First Steel on flyrod


Well-known member
What an awesome day!!!!!! Bigsteel and I went with metalfisher of groundnpoundsteelheader and his dad, Rich. What a great trip that was. Metalfisher was great and with his knowledge of steelhead and perfect instructions I got this hawg on my 6 wt flyrod.....18 pounds of beauty...of course he is a native but it was a pleasure to send him back to the water....45 minutes to bring him in...:yay:

What a rush, my second steel and my first on my new flyrod....sweeeeet
Congrats!! Damon told me.. I was stoked to hear about it... congrats again! Where were you all at?
What an awesome day!!!!!! Bigsteel and I went with metalfisher of groundnpoundsteelheader and his dad, Rich. What a great trip that was. Metalfisher was great and with his knowledge of steelhead and perfect instructions I got this hawg on my 6 wt flyrod.....18 pounds of beauty...of course he is a native but it was a pleasure to send him back to the water....45 minutes to bring him in...:yay:

What a rush, my second steel and my first on my new flyrod....sweeeeet

REEL!! Get yer hand off that reel! REEL!:lol:
You did great Rose! Made me want to fight one on a 6wt, kinda;) It was a great day and just awesome to see that smile while fighting him and struggle to lift him, good stuff! That`s what it`s all about, the firsts!!
Way to slay!!

Way to slay!!

YEEEHAAAAW!! :yay: :dance: Way to slay,Rose!! You're doing the rest of us gals proud. On a 6wt no less. :shock: That must have been like bringing Moby Dick to shore using nothing but a dart on a string. :lol: Awesome,just awesome! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Great job girl that is a beast of a fish. I think I know exactly where you guys were at. Not to far from us at all.


Holy Toledo Batman...way to go Rose!!! :dance::clap::yay:

I'll bet that using your new 6wt. rod with that monster; was even better than that trout on my 5' foot UL Lamiglas rod!

It also "shows to go ya"...that a peep doesn't need to spend a bazillion dollars on gear either.

Oh happy day! I'll bet your still "on a buzz"!!! :clap::clap::clap::yay::yay::yay:
yes what an awesome day........a lot of hookups and a lot of fun......i learned more in one day from metalfisher then i have since i started...he definitely has steelhead dialed in..i can't wait to do it again...he worked his butt off and has great ambition,,,,,i think he had just as much fun watchin us hookup then anything....

if your wantin to learn steelhead then get a hold of damon,,,hes got it figured out....

thanks so much for the great day bro I can't wait to do it again.......
Thanks was the best high I have had in a long time!!!!! :D What bigsteel failed to mention it that he had one on and fought it for a bit but it got away.....He did great too but I thought he would post that.....It was a great day for all of us and yes, Damon did an excellent job. Now I have to go and stare at the pic for a bit......:lol: :lol: :lol:
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