EC Sunday - in and out


But.. the important bits..

How, When, Where, Who with, and What d'ya use

now that you pulled a fish outta there, you better not keep your secrets from all of us who havent managed it yet.
no one has shared anything with me. I'v had to figure it out the hard way on my own. Once you figure out what works, you won't want to share it with anyone.

Just as I was told, keep trying and you will get it figured out.

EDIT: Ok, here is it. I learned everything I know about EC from Flymstr. He is truly the best fisherman I have ever met and have 100% respect for his time put in and the years taken to get where he is. I am sorry for "deceiving you all" but again, I have said it over and over, I was protecting what him and a couple others have shared with me out of respect. If I would have gone and shared something that was sent to me in a PM and answered Growbugs questions, wouldn't you all have thought I was a disrespectful little punk?

I could have been a little more honest and said "I have learned some things on the river from someone and been told a few things in PM's but I am not at liberty to share it". That is how I should of handled it.
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heheh... you evil scrooge... :lol:

if you had asked, you would have received answers. that's what this whole forum is about...

nice fish, btw. :clap: good job on getting into 'em.
I got probally a 8-10lb wild buck this morn. Released Immediatly.
And where you the guy who hit my buddy in the face with your lead and made his face bleed?
Yeah, He fine. Not blaming you for anything but the guy who did it had around 8lb hen too. Sorry for the Confusion.
He had a snag and Jerked Really hard and the weight fly and hit my friend in the chin. Made it bleed BAD.
Also his 1 month Buzz Ramsey snapped today. And I fell in with my waders and Backpack..
I wasn't near anyone except flymstr. Wasn't me. I had on a green vest with a grey raincoat under.

Sounds like a bad day for you guys. Sorry to hear that.
nah im 18 and my two buddys are 17.. so you might of been the only three under 18 haha. Were you the kid we yelled at when you were walkin on the road? We were in a white jeep
no one has shared anything with me. I'v had to figure it out the hard way on my own. Once you figure out what works, you won't want to share it with anyone. :D

Just as I was told, keep trying and you will get it figured out.

Thats one of the funniest things Ive ever read on here. Good one.

Where did your pic go?
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He looks like hes 10 and has Blue waders. (hes 12) lol shorty.
And Yes, I was the kid I think. I get yelled at by a lot of people, So Im not so sure but I think soo.
Youre whole statement just reeks of bs in my opinion. Its ok if you think that. Wont ruin my day. But I got a laugh outta it thats all.:)
Glad you got a laugh out of it, but what I have learned has not been on this board (Edit: not in the open forum, but yes in PM's and on the river with Flymstr). I can tell you that for sure. :naughty:

Flymstr: Don't you see what I was implying here? I wasn't about to tell anyone "oh yeah I learned it from Flymstr, go see him and he will
tell you everything". You would have killed me. :)
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