Don't know where to go? Look here.

Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and also new to fishing in this area. I've been here a few years now but haven't had the chance to get out until this year. Of course I have no clue where to go! A little bit of research and I found this amazing link. Whoever took the time to compile this information on google maps is my new favorite person!

Google maps fishing locations

I realize it does not specify what type of fish, but hearing random names here on the forum doesn't always translate well into a google search. And, though this would be beneficial for the entire forum... I'm a bass junky, and there seems to be far less information on where to catch them.

Hope this helps some new guys out!
My guess is that those are trout fishing spots.
In the streams, sure. Plenty of bass ponds there too! I just got back from Commonwealth Lake which is on that map.
don't know if you've seen this, but here's one i use...

Urban Hog Questin - Google Maps

it's put together by one of our very own OFFer - i believe it's fishfinger. very helpful if you like fishing the portland metro.
Nice addition, thanks! If anyone has anything else to add we'd love to see it.
I'm surprised to see the Airport Pond on there and glad to see that my favorite bass spots aren't on there.
TTFishon said:
I'm surprised to see the Airport Pond on there and glad to see that my favorite bass spots aren't on there.

well help everyone out and share them.

The spot labeled unfinished 1.2, on the 2nd map, at 19th and sparrow on milwaukie side, is Elk Rock Island.

details: Park near old RR bridge, and walk through playground down path into woods. Fishing the edgewater, looking toward Kellog wall for sturg and whatever bites. When tide out, you can cross the water on the rocks, tide in your wading knee deep. plunking for strug, and a lot of small mouth fishing. Decent spot, relatively few people to compete with. also a back sleu that I have not fished. looks full of bass. If you look back toward hillside, you can see a big dead tree with a bald eagle family living at the top.
catphish said:
well help everyone out and share them.

The spot labeled unfinished 1.2, on the 2nd map, at 19th and sparrow on milwaukie side, is Elk Rock Island.

details: Park near old RR bridge, and walk through playground down path into woods. Fishing the edgewater, looking toward Kellog wall for sturg and whatever bites. When tide out, you can cross the water on the rocks, tide in your wading knee deep. plunking for strug, and a lot of small mouth fishing. Decent spot, relatively few people to compete with. also a back sleu that I have not fished. looks full of bass. If you look back toward hillside, you can see a big dead tree with a bald eagle family living at the top.

One of the reasons they are my favorite places to go is that I can go there and fish for a few hours and not see another soul. And I'd like to keep it that way.
TTFishon said:
I'm surprised to see the Airport Pond on there and glad to see that my favorite bass spots aren't on there.

Yeah what up with the fish at the airport and nothin shown at fern ridge way its laid out looks more like a poor representation of which ponds are stocked with trout. the airport sure isn't . jc pond just north is dunno bout this map
ninja2010 said:
don't know if you've seen this, but here's one i use...

Urban Hog Questin - Google Maps

it's put together by one of our very own OFFer - i believe it's fishfinger. very helpful if you like fishing the portland metro.

there any addresses for these places to put in a gps to make it easier?
TTFishon said:
One of the reasons they are my favorite places to go is that I can go there and fish for a few hours and not see another soul. And I'd like to keep it that way.

I have never appreciated this non-sportsman type attitude. However, I understand the emotions behind it. There are some great spots around Fern Ridge for bass fishing, I will look into adding to this map if I can. OFF should consider designing it's own map with more information. I am adding to a map everytime I catch a fish in a particular area. Much like the Siltcoos lake maps you can find on google. Very fun.

Fish are fish brother. Ponds, lakes and rivers are stocked for all fisherman alike. When they see no one fishes them, they may just stop stocking them. Don't quote me on that however. ;)

FernRidgeChamp said:
I have never appreciated this non-sportsman type attitude. However, I understand the emotions behind it. There are some great spots around Fern Ridge for bass fishing, I will look into adding to this map if I can. OFF should consider designing it's own map with more information. I am adding to a map everytime I catch a fish in a particular area. Much like the Siltcoos lake maps you can find on google. Very fun.

Fish are fish brother. Ponds, lakes and rivers are stocked for all fisherman alike. When they see no one fishes them, they may just stop stocking them. Don't quote me on that however. ;)


I personally consider it to be selfishness. I feel kind of bad but I don't want to destroy the main aspect of my fishing experience. Solitude.
TTFishon said:
I personally consider it to be selfishness. I feel kind of bad but I don't want to destroy the main aspect of my fishing experience. Solitude.

Truly there is nothing more enjoyable than the peace of fishing a quiet lake.

FernRidgeChamp said:
Fish are fish brother. Ponds, lakes and rivers are stocked for all fisherman alike.


Trout are stocked.
BASS are not stocked.

There maybe no big deal on giving up your favorite trout spot because the state will just stock more.
However, I will never blame a bass fisherman for not giving up their favorite spot because once someone shows up and starts keeping all the bass from his favore spot the state will not be coming around and restocking it.


1bigfish said:
Trout are stocked.
BASS are not stocked.

There maybe no big deal on giving up your favorite trout spot because the state will just stock more.
However, I will never blame a bass fisherman for not giving up their favorite spot because once someone shows up and starts keeping all the bass from his favore spot the state will not be coming around and restocking it.

I kinda sorta agree with your stand on not giving up a good bass hole. I do understand the need for secrecy when viewed from the non-stocking aspect. But then there is the issue of introducing bass fishing to others who will love and respect the sport as much as you obviously do. Personally I never keep a bass. I always release bass and often think it would be great if it were mandatory that all bass be released. However,that would pretty much eliminate proving state records and having a trophy bass on the wall over the fireplace. Maybe someday ODFW will pull their collective heads out of their collective tiny orfices and at least consider stocking bass for those of us who love the lil monsters. Until then,I have to respect your reluctance and simply hope I spot you somewhere out at MY favorite bass hole! :D See you there...

The above stated opinion is just that,my opinion as a member of this forum and not the opinion of a moderator. :whistle:

Be safe.

I would love to be able to post the location of my favorite spots but I have been burned by doing that before. Those that I take in my backseat get to see all my spots first hand and I hold nothing back(unless the water is too low to get to some spots). For other I find the PM feature very handy. There have been very few people I have not told my favorite spots to via PM. I get PMs all the time asking for my spots on the Willy in Salem for both bank and boat spots and I am usually more then willing to give people good spots to fish. However if the person is known to keep everything they catch I will usually tell them sorry but I can't help you. After all I would feel guilty knowing that they were eating something I helped tham catch.

The reason I use the PM is simple. If I get a PM from a person I at least know that the person is an OFF member. If I post the spot on the open board non-OFF members could also get the info.;)

One more thing just to make it clear to those who don't know me. I am not 100% C&R. I believe in Selective Harvest. One of these days I will start a thread on exactly what that means. But for now a short definitions is that I only keep smallmouth bass, only keep them from well populated waters, never keep a female that has eggs, and only ones that are under 3lbs. (and never from the Willy because I know what is dumped into that river)
Raincatcher said:
However,that would pretty much eliminate proving state records and having a trophy bass on the wall over the fireplace.
Be safe.

with some pictures and measurement of girth and length, a replica of the fish can be made that is just as good if not better than the actual skin. then you dont need to keep it, and you still have it on your wall :)

but i agree with all of 1bigfish and raincatcher in their last posts
Raincatcher said:
I kinda sorta agree with your stand on not giving up a good bass hole. I do understand the need for secrecy when viewed from the non-stocking aspect. But then there is the issue of introducing bass fishing to others who will love and respect the sport as much as you obviously do. Personally I never keep a bass. I always release bass and often think it would be great if it were mandatory that all bass be released. However,that would pretty much eliminate proving state records and having a trophy bass on the wall over the fireplace. Maybe someday ODFW will pull their collective heads out of their collective tiny orfices and at least consider stocking bass for those of us who love the lil monsters. Until then,I have to respect your reluctance and simply hope I spot you somewhere out at MY favorite bass hole! :D See you there...

The above stated opinion is just that,my opinion as a member of this forum and not the opinion of a moderator. :whistle:

Be safe.

I know of a few BLM fireponds that bass have been stocked into years ago.

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