Directions to some fishing holes Eagle Creek?

I am just a kid who has been stealheading on other rivers but, this weekend i am going to eagle creek(1st time):dance: i would appreciate it if someone could post some easy directions to some fishing holes:pray: Thanks

I also have yet to get a steelhead even though i have been fishing for them a couple hundred times
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I am just a kid who has been stealheading on other rivers but, this weekend i am going to eagle creek(1st time):dance: i would appreciate it if someone could post some easy directions to some fishing holes:pray: Thanks

I also have yet to get a steelhead even though i have been fishing for them a couple hundred times

If you head out there on a week end you'll see where people are parked. All you have to do is hike around and find a spot thats not taken. Theres fern park to. Exploring is have the fun.
Thanks a bunch I think I'll try fern park or I've also been reading about just below the hatchery but it's seems pretty hard to find the trail
I was out there today its about 3.5 miles to the ladder from the highway. I'd guess Eagle Fern is right about five and the hatchery is about ten. No fish today for me but good fun. Picked up trash the whole time, hope you and others will do the same. If we all did a little we could win the battle.
I was out there today its about 3.5 miles to the ladder from the highway. I'd guess Eagle Fern is right about five and the hatchery is about ten. No fish today for me but good fun. Picked up trash the whole time, hope you and others will do the same. If we all did a little we could win the battle.

What were you using? Sometimes you need to throw something out there that no one else would even think of using to get them to strike. Something the fish have not seen. I know that has worked for me a couple times now.
I will pick up some trash along the way to the holes and I garuntee you I will not litter. I don't get why people don't just ick up their trash I mean it kids ruins fiahing holes if you have to watch your step for hokks everywhaere you walk! Anyway I look forwad to try some fly fishig first, then some jigs and if all else fails I will sit in a lawn chair, put my plunking rig in the water, and just sit Back and relax ( that is until I hook 5 fish;) also I am so greatful thatxyou guys are sharing all of this good info:clap:)
No I diidnt o out to eagle creek today but I am going tommorrow and I will give you guys some reports(if I catch a fish or if evryone else is) and I might be able to upload some photos of the river. I am very excited for this fishing expedition.:D:dance::pray:

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