Detroit Lake pot-luck

Our "all members invited forum get together at Detroit Lake" is drawing near. The dates are August 14-15 & 16 at Detroit Lake State Park. That being said, it has been decided that we will have a pot-luck dinner on Saturday evening. This get together is NOT restricted to members only! All family and friends are also invited to join in. So,we will need members to provide enough food for at least eight people. While this is open to everyone,it is not a meal that only a few should be expected to provide. We need everyone who intends to partake of the pot-luck to chip in and help make it a success. In other words,providing the salt and pepper or a six pack just isn't going to cut it.
Please let me know what your ideas are. I will be adding a poll to this thread later this week to show what is being OFFered. I'm thinking about doing homemade sweet potato fries and potato salad with a bbq pulled pork sandwich.
What's in your food arsenal? Secret family recipes? Fantabulous special dish? Be thinking about it and let us know.

Be safe.
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Pop goes the weasel..... :D :lol:

Be safe.
I'll contribute a propane BBQ, 3 dozen bratz w/ all the fixin's and a case of brew on ice...
Raincatcher said:
I'm thinking about doing homemade sweet potato fries and potato salad with a bbq pulled pork sandwich.

Be safe.

Oh my gads that got a growl out of my belly holy cow!!!!
Boy I wish I could come play too... but alas that is the weekend of my first wedding anniversary, and the Sunday we have to host at church (will be an outdoor service with potluck after, and the pastor uses my voice as I can cut over the trains when they go by). And our son will be comming home that Saturday from spending a week in Redmond with my mom.

I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can convince my better half to help me make her special apple/fruit dip and bring up some apples and strawberries
Must be a serious voicebox lizardman!

If I can stop by saturday to say hello, I will bring a steelhead filet if theres space on someone's BBQ for it.
osmosis said:
Must be a serious voicebox lizardman!

If I can stop by saturday to say hello, I will bring a steelhead filet if theres space on someone's BBQ for it.

You sure you're going to be able to produce a fish by then??
Red hot stickers...

Red hot stickers...

I may not be there but I do have some red hot OFF stickers for you that show up and party down. I will be passing these stickers to a few Mods and they will be passing them out. You all have a great time and think of me; I'm sure I will be thinking of you...

roadkill stew, skwirl on a stik, any vermen I can grab on the way to detroit, bottom shelf tequila shooters w/ warm beer chasers, and melted ice cream.
Oh, and I bring my brother dan along, its his 32 birthday that saturday. He prob get toasted, fire dance, lose his glasses, and sleep in a ditch. good times!
Pot luck time.....

Pot luck time.....

Okay everyone,this is it! :D There are only four days left before our fantastic get together and only six days for you to get out your pots and pans and whip up something for the pot luck. We really don't need six bowls of green jell-o :doh: or eight macaroni salads :confused: or half a dozen different,but the same really,variations on weiner casserole :wall: . Please post here what you plan to bring for the pot luck. I plan to bring enough food for whomever is in my camp so I know I won't go hungry. :D I think we need to bring enough for 6-8 people. If you insist on weinies,don't forget the sticks. I don't really think S'mores actually hits any of the food groups...:tongue: :protest:
Let us know what you have in mind...please! :pray::lol:

Be safe.
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Crap I'll have call my grandma!
Bbq chicken, baked potatoes, and beans.
Now yer talkin'

Now yer talkin'

fishnquest said:
Bbq chicken, baked potatoes, and beans.


:dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Be safe.
I just spied a fat slab of June hog suitable for the BBQ... Yes it's the one MLT danced with, but I washed it so it shouldn't taste funny (like that)...
Will we grill and eat/share the fish we catch on Saturday?

Will we grill and eat/share the fish we catch on Saturday?

My husband, Bob, and I will be there. I'll bring my secret-recipe chocolate chip shortbread cookies (made without nuts). Also, I can bring a nice side something that might go well with all that grilled fish. We can bring a small hibachi size propane grill too.
OK. How about a crock pot full of sweat & sour meatballs plus Gramma's rice pilof.
catphish said:
roadkill stew, skwirl on a stik, any vermen I can grab on the way to detroit, bottom shelf tequila shooters w/ warm beer chasers, and melted ice cream.
Oh, and I bring my brother dan along, its his 32 birthday that saturday. He prob get toasted, fire dance, lose his glasses, and sleep in a ditch. good times!

Don't go out of your way catphish you can get all that stuff IN Detroit :D
If I can get away with it, I'll bring some pulled bb-q pork and some rolls(this happens to be my wife's favorite that I make.).
So i really can't bring the salt and pepper and a six pack? Damn. I don't really know how to mom failed in this department...she threw me out into the world with the instructions on the back of a pack of ramen noodles. So I have no idea what to bring...I eat salad from a bag, thats a veggie, the dressing is a dairy, and my beer is a grain. That's a semi balance meal? But I really don't know what to bring. This is a problem.

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