Crazy fish!

Went fishin this A.M. and got into a few really big, but pretty dark Steelhead right off the bat. Then I saw this little lady sittin all by her lonesome. Just chewin away on some Dubble Bubble! Haha, I threw in at her and hooked up first cast. She was still blowin bubbles the whole 500 or so feet this fish spooled me downstream. She was headed back to the Ocean! But not before a stop at a local 7-11 to pick up some more Dubble Bubble...Sheesh, fish had some attitude, blowin bubbles at me all day! Sorry lookin bubble huh?...She was tired by the time we got home...

Yes, I'm dead serious. This fish was chewing bubble gum! I swear! :rolleyes: And yes, we really had to stop at the 7-11 in the Creek to pick up more for the ride home!
Thats Beautiful

Thats Beautiful

Now we no why bubble gum pink works....My mom put a piece on a tail hook of a mag wart one day when it was slow nooker fishin, and KABOOM! chrome nook for dinner!
I will fish anything.:lol: And more than likely, they will eat it. Unless it contains one of the few chemicals that really do turn off stinky sewer trout. But chances are Broccolli will work, I already know bananna peel works, as well as three Honey Nut Cheerios pegged like a bead or corkie.
No, I fish with bubble gum, Cheerios, bread, oranges, banannas, cheese is great, especially the extra sharp.;) Kokes love Velveeta! And Cheetos too! Haha.:lol:
wow now i have like never fished with any of that sh@t till the other day never put a cocktail shrimp on a hook but i got my first hook up because i found a chunk on the ground and put it on my hook
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Bait kills a lot of Steelhead for me and my buds. Same with Chinook too though, and the brutish Chumatron in WA, and AK. Great fun, and an 8 pound Chum will fight harder than any 15 pound, big fin Coho you've ever hooked!
Soggy Cheeto

Soggy Cheeto

I picked up a nice summer on a soggy Cheeto about 2 yrs ago. I think if it is different they gotta inspect it!
caught a 43" sturgeon on a chunk of pickle from my sandwich once. my buddy forgot most of his bait (grabbed the wrong bag) and didn't realize it till we got out on the river. he played a pr!ck move on the last squid so i said fine and pulled a plain old pickle outta my sandwich. wraped the sucker up while being called !!! S T U P I D !!! but i refused to play into his game... hahahahahahahahaha FISH ON!!! i dont need ure squid! was AWESOME!!!:clap::clap:
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