Crabtree Lake

Hey everyone ,

This coming weekend a buddy and I are going to attempt to find and hike into Crabtree Lake... I have heard some mixed reviews on this lake from its great fishing to there are lots of fish in there but the water is so clear that they are spooky... I know that coming into the lake from the Lacomb side all the gates are closed so the only way to get close to this little lake is from the Green Peter side , hopefully this has kept a lot of people from going to it and fishing it.. Anyways I was wondering if anyone has had any luck up there , heard any stories from years past up there etc..

I recently bought a Garmin Colorado 400i GPS , with the inland lakes of the US loaded onto it and also bought the NW 24k TOPO map with it. Hopefully we should be abloe to locate it , I have played around with the GPS a little since it arrived on Wednesday , the lake is on my maps , so we should be able to track it down..

Well I would love to hear some feedback on this or if anyone is intrested check back on this thread around saturday or sunday and I should have a report on the fishing , the difficulty of the hike how hidden the lake is and also how well the GPS handled in an actual trip..

Tight Lines
Yeah Troutdude this little lake is pretty small , I have not yet been to it... You willl not find it on Mapquest.. If you pull up Bing Maps or Google Earth and search about Due North of Green Peter Resevoir and do enough zooming in you should be able to find it.. If you find Billy Lake you need to head north east if you find Indian Prarie you need to head south east.. I dont have any better directions yet as I have not been to it , but I will try and get a screen shot from my GPS and post it on here for ya..

Hopefully we can make it up there , the lake according to my Garmin is at about 3500ft. I am not 100% sure where the snow is at right now , but if we make it up there I will absolutely post my report for everyone..

Howdy Sage,

Do you use Sage rods? I've been a Fenwick user all of my life (which evolved into Sage). Just curious.

Thanks for the directions. I did see Billy Lake yesterday, on Mapquest. So, I'll try and look for it again.

I'm really interested to know how far one would have to hike in. I have some physical limitations. So, if you could let me know that would be great.

Good luck!
Yeah I have a Sage rod .. I suppose calling myself the Sage Fly Guy is a bit of am embelishment , I have been fishing my whole life and recently got into fly fishing.. I bought my first fly rod this last July Sage Flight 9' 5 wt in a 2 piece with a Sage 1850 reel.. My love for the hobby is what inspired the name definitely not my credentials as being a fly fisherman ( yet anyways )

Hey Troutdude , I see that you are pretty close to me , I am in Sweet Home anytime you are wanting to make a day trip feel free to message me or something.. I so far have been up Quartzville numerous times and slayed them , been to both the North and the South santiam with moderate success and had my fly rod out on Crane with a big skunk jobber there..
Well everyone , Saturday morning around 9am we left to go to Crabtree lake.. The weather was awesome we headed up green peter turned to go up to Trout Creek road.. we got about 6 miles from the lake according to the GPS and we hit a snow drift we couldnt navigate past.. So we turned around Plugged in Billy Lake , knowing it wa sup there as well.. Got down to the Quartsville HWY turned up M&M line got ourselves about 4 miles from Billy Lake and the road was washed out.. So hopefully in a couple weeks we will be able to report back when the Drift is completely melted..

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