Cougar Reservoir Fishing

Hey Chuck I was curious to ask you a few things. I'm a pretty avid fisherman. I do a lot of fishing around Oregon. I've never once thrown anchor in Cougar Reservoir though. I'm planning on going this weekend and camping at slide creek. Any tips? Seeing as I've never fished here before. I've read all of your post and you seem pretty well educated on the spots and what baits work for the time of the year. First off I've notice you've said something about water levels not being high enough to launch until mid-march. That shouldn't be a concern this time of year should it? I was fishing last weekend on the Rogue for Chinook and the low pressure system that came in made for a hell of a time nabbing anything. I figured the forecast calls for good weather and since the low pressure system is moving out by Thursday the fish should be fairly active. Any hints as to where to go and what lures you might suggest? BTW new to the forums so tips are all appreciated :)
welcome to the forum and good luck at cougar :D
Thank you very much. I was reading a bunch of threads here last night and thought about it all night and this morning at work and said "You know what this could really benefit me." I'm on a personal mission to fish as many lakes, ponds, rivers and creeks throughout Oregon as I can. I love traveling and seeing the beauty of our amazing state and I want to see how well fishing is throughout the different locations. :)
I feel the same way!! :D

But for right now im just mainly fishing my home waters in Southern Oregon :)
Hey just read your blog Shane an my my it is quite the amazing fishing blog. You may say it's picture heavy, but it's really nice to have so many pictures so I know what you're talking about when you're typing about the day or the experience.
Thanks for the kind words Nick :D

If your ever down here we can go to my favorite fishing holes.
I will definitely let you know if I'm in the Medford area. I live up here in Springfield/Eugene area so if either of us are in eachothers areas throw a shout out on here if you're coming or I will if I am and we can meet up and fish some :) Hopefully Chuck sees this post. He seems really educated on Cougar Reservoir and I would love to hear his advice on the lake.
Cougar Reservoir Fishing

Good day Chuck, to start out....Welcome to OFF. Cougar Reservoire is celebrating its five year anniversary this month, they drained it eight years ago to do some tower work and refilled it five ago....the ramps are in the water and the Salmon (land locked Chinook) are doing quite will along with a very nice population of nice Trout, some of the Trout are CUTBOWS, check out the regs on this lake...they can be rather confusing to say the least. Early morning long lining up stream with all sorts of lures, including the Lil Cleo...!!! SuperDupers, Kastmasters, Wedding rings of all colors (my favorite colors are the reds and greens) tipped with a tail of a nightcrawler. Deep trolling with the sun at your back or to the side but never into it, remember this lake has a protected species in it called "Bull Trout" if by chance you catch one of these beauties please don't remove it from the water and release it unharmed. Fly angling in the back where the Mac comes in is great in the late afternoon and evening. During the dog days of summer bottom angling with power bait and mini Marshmallows floating a bit of a nightcrawler works great.

The Land Locked Chinook are a little tougher to catch, you will have to go deep, really deep and troll fast. Use large stick baits or swim baits for great results, these Chinook grow to be very big and can surprise even the most experienced recommendations for the Chinook is around a the island in Slide Creek bay, and the arms through out the lake. Walker Creek is one of my best places for the Cutties....and of course it holds a very nice collection of my best lures....lots of structure. Keep clear of Rice Wall......this is the kind of place that will ruin a has such a concentration of fish that one could spend the entire day in that area alone, and another, and another and again another.
Hope you have a great Cougar weekend and remember why they named it Cougar....they are very prevalent in that canyon.

Tight lines and again welcome to the site.

ps...if you can get it try camp site Ten at Slide Creek
Excellent thanks again Chuck. Another quick one. Have you done any experiment with blue fox spinner lures out there? If so how do they fair? I saw in a few other threads you said you had a nice "map". Anyway I could take a peek at that and familiarize myself with the lake. Most of the places you're telling me to go for and steer clear of I have no idea where are haha. Sorry =\


Send me your e-mail address and I will send a copy of the map....

PM sent! Again thanks a ton Chuck I really appreciate it.


Map sent to your e-mail address...good luck

Chuck is the master of the lake and has done very well up there. i would take all the infor he has and absorb it like a sponge. i fished it a few times last year in the summer and the only advice i have is to use a fender and a worm far behind the boat at a slow troll. we did good up there each trip doing this.
Hey Nick_L, the wife and I just got back from Cougar about an hour ago. We trolled Lil' Cleo's in the back and worked some lures where the S. fork comes into the Reservoir all we got were a dozen little land-locked chinook. I mean little (4-5"). When we went to Walker Creek inlet we finally got into some rainbows. If I were going to be up in that area this weekend, I'd try by the dam maybe go back where the S. fork comes in, but you might want to spend some time at Blue River Res. also. The water temp at the Slide Creek ramp was 51 and 41 where the S. Fork enters. Good luck and be sure to let us know how the trip went.
Will do thanks for all the good information. Why would you suggest going to Blue River Res? A little better bite?
Also to all I just to the Hi-Laker boat out today after sitting for 10 years and it ran like a champ. The boat is a fiberglass boat. It sat for 10 years so I cleaned everything out took the carb off cleaned the carb out and rebuilt it. I put some new plugs in. Bought a new gas can and a new boat plug. Started up first rip. Went to Dexter Lake and it was smooth. Not a wake to see on the whole lake. Absolutely beautiful.
Just keep Blue River as an option if Cougar doesn't pan out. Cougar is prettier ( be sure to take your camera) there are still a few small waterfalls at lakeside. Remember when trying for salmon, troll faster than trout trolling and probably deeper. I don't fish on weekends anymore as there are just too many people out there and folks trying to ski, etc. Today we were all alone on the water and still didn't do real well. Good Luck!!
Bentrod was the camera for the waterfalls or the naked hippies ? I have seen a lot of crazy things around Cougar.
Just a bare hook ought to catch plenty ;>))! Take sunscreen.
Deep, very deep

Deep, very deep

To get the larger fish to strike you must go deep to get away from the smaller fish. Look for the water temp break, where the temp changes into the 50's. This is where the food hangs out and if there is food there are eaters of smaller fish;) .
Walker creek is a go to place, lures, spinners and bait are all of luck and let us know how it goes.
The toughest hurdle is between your confident...:dance:


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