Cooper Creek Fishing

Fished at Cooper Creek yesterday windier than snot didn't do to good had 1 on and lost him in the reeds oh well tht happens using light tackle I could barely control my tube so I called a short day.
About a year later

About a year later

Well I went up to Cooper two days ago when it was t shirt weather, fishing from the bank, hiking all around. I 'shined' three small bass near weedy edges with a leech pattern. Young guy on the dock nearest the dam tagged an 18" bow with pwrbait.

Perfect fishing day and din't expect to see anything much less have any bass chase my fly a few times. Raining now and cooler so I'll wait a day or two and go back up. Water level was down so bank walking was easy, water color was a little cloudy but I could see my leech pattern to about 6 ft. deep. Just how I like it.

Might try the hike from the dam to the big cove this next time. Burn off some winter fat.


Brother MontanaMoose, Welcome to the Family.....................:D

Last spring Bro krikcoin was doin' mighty good c&r bass at a spot around Roseburg called pound pond. Do u know where that is? I don't. Tell me if'n u know................................:D:D

c&r some Big'un Lunkers.............................:lol::lol:
For once I do !

For once I do !

Thanks Hawk, well actually I'm nearly certain I know where that is. Have you asked krikcoin I'm wondering? I would really hate to betray a 'secret fishing place' if krikcoin hadn't revealed where that pond is. Thanks again for the welcome and you bet I'll do my best to catch some big ole bass !


Thanks Hawk, well actually I'm nearly certain I know where that is. Have you asked krikcoin I'm wondering? I would really hate to betray a 'secret fishing place' if krikcoin hadn't revealed where that pond is. Thanks again for the welcome and you bet I'll do my best to catch some big ole bass !


Big ole bass...

Big ole bass...

No, seriously Backcastwards, my plan is to catch some big huge bass...lmb and smb. Did you see the posts about the Delta Ponds? Gonna check that out this week sometime, only on foot though....should prove interesting.

Yeah, yeah...I know you already know where the pound pond is...heh...


This one?

This one?

Brother MontanaMoose, Welcome to the Family.....................:D

Last spring Bro krikcoin was doin' mighty good c&r bass at a spot around Roseburg called pound pond. Do u know where that is? I don't. Tell me if'n u know................................:D:D

c&r some Big'un Lunkers.............................:lol::lol:


i know this sounds silly, but....... are the uh um the blue gills and crappie active in cooper res.. as of yet.i like a little light tackle gills ..
Not at all rtito, I was up last week and it's gotten colder since then so I don't suspect there's any gill or crappie action yet...if you remind me I'll post as soon as they are though...I did turn some bass three weeks ago but they weren't showing last week so I'm waiting till the next couple of days then I'll try again. A favorite lake for me.



i know this sounds silly, but....... are the uh um the blue gills and crappie active in cooper res.. as of yet.i like a little light tackle gills ..
Late start...

Late start...

....but I'm free to fish for the rest of the
day...will go straight to Coop by the dam, fish
there for a bit then I'll hike around to the large
cove....'bout a 30 40 min hike.

Once I leave there I'll drive past the upper boat
ramp to the second pullout and go down the hill
then I'll turn left and I'll be the one fly fishing for
lmb, gill, crappie, yellow perch.


Cooper Creek Crappie...

Cooper Creek Crappie...

Not yet was too cold and rainy to even bother going...
might make it tomorrow...I'll check in when I go.

No crappie rtito...

No crappie rtito...

Well I finally made it back to Cooper Creek Res and hiked
around to the big cove...saw some good
lmb in the shallow coves tucked into shady spots
but unreachable. One that I might have made a
cast to near the bank bolted when I came stomping up to the bank...
only big one I saw where I might have tried for one that size.

I flogged for a couple of hours, trying several flies that I know work there and I ran them slow, shallow, deep, fast...everything I could think of then at about 330pm I landed two small lmb's and got some other strikes, a couple of pretty heavy hitters that I never saw.

Hiked back from the cove and worked all along the dam for a couple more hours and saw some trout chase my crappie fly, then some blue gill then a couple more small bass, no hookups though I did get a couple more fairly heavy bumps. Hey, could have been bigger bass but they weren't crappie nor did I ever spot any. I'll try again soon since the lake may turn over at any time now, plus the bass are coming on shore again after having been chased back out by the cold snaps.


Hey MM, I rode my bike out D.R. road past the secret place. Evidently not so secret cuz there were two guys getting their gear ready to FLOAT TUBE:dance: in there. Also saw a car that probably had bank fishers. Time to break out the belly boat and get some.:clap:
Belly boatin' off D R road...

Belly boatin' off D R road...

Sounds good to me Backcastwards, lemme know when yer goin' !


Bass at Cooper Creek

Bass at Cooper Creek

Went Thursday and got a couple small lmb's on the fly...they're beginning to move onshore now and the lake has turned over and is getting clearer by the day. I'm hoping that by Tuesday when I go again that I'll tie into some bigger bass. Still not seen any signs of crappie but a few gill are moving into shallow water now.

Anybody want to give it a try Tuesday, let me know.


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