I went down real early to Riverside and hiked upriver to a spot that i had luck in before, last summer. Got out there and started casting out my old go-to, dual drifters with sand shrimp. Had no bite for an hour, so i switched to eggs, and 15-20 minutes later, BAM, Zingggggg. First one of the day! WOO. Had a nice 10 minute battle with her, and brought it in and sacked her up. Sweet, eggs are workin. So after i got all antsy after 30 minutes of nothin i switched back to sand shrimp.(Under a slip bobber.) Another 20 minutes went by and no bite, then a weird tug, then another long slow rubber band type pull, and splash, splash a fish came out of the water! I thought i snagged a small log! No way, a nice hatchery male. This fish would have been a great acrobat...I don't know how many times he crested the surface, but another 10 minutes later and I had my LIMIT. Oh baby!:dance: I was out of there by 10:15, with like 15 pounds of fish. My scale really sucks so it is close, 14-16lbs. Anyhoo had a great day in a secluded spot on the river, and a Quadruple decker PBn'J.
Oh yes i love that we can do this so close to home!

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