Brooders are in!

This years brood stock has arrived in pond #6. ODFW says they put 40 rainbows ranging from 8 to 18lbs this week. Anybody up for some ice fishing?
adambomb said:
This years brood stock has arrived in pond #6. ODFW says they put 40 rainbows ranging from 8 to 18lbs this week. Anybody up for some ice fishing?

if I had the gear and license i so would be down! hopefully next year, I wasn't sure those ponds froze over if they dont have more than 6 inches of ice I wont be ice fishing on them, also is it pond 6 that has catfish in them?
Yeah #6 has some big catfish, and some monster carp as well. I don't plan on setting foot on the ice, but as soon as it gets warm enough to clear up, I'm gonna get me one!!:D
adambomb said:
Yeah #6 has some big catfish, and some monster carp as well. I don't plan on setting foot on the ice, but as soon as it gets warm enough to clear up, I'm gonna get me one!!:D

I think I found a shortcut to it than going down to salem then back up, there is a ferry between Mac and Salem that crosses the Willamette. Will that be a good way to go?
Its the wheatland ferry,,,,,still waitin for the salem idiocracy to build :):)us another bridge
I honestly don't know my girlfriend took me to it a while back (like 3 weeks ago) and we went pass the turn off today drivin her broken car back from salem :( so we couldn't stop. Yeah I don't know why they just dont build a bridge there the river is not very wide and it would make a great crossing point to the other side of the willamette.
Outdoor_Myers said:
I think I found a shortcut to it than going down to salem then back up, there is a ferry between Mac and Salem that crosses the Willamette. Will that be a good way to go?

Oh yeah, I just looked at possible routes for you, and the Wheatland ferry is the ONLY way I would go, unless you needed to go to Newberg or Salem anyway;)
Sweet thanks does anyone know about that ferry? how much it cost to go across then come back across? I never been on one nor seen one in person till she showed it to me, was very exciting and It was so clear yesterday I got to see mt hood from Mac and wow! (its the little things in life that excite me the most, she said most people take things like that for granted since they are so use to it. I can't wait to see the ocean for the first time! And I want to catch something in the ocean too lol)
i think its a buck something to cross,,,dont quote me on that....if its not busy he might let ya fish from the ferry:):):)
bigsteel said:
i think its a buck something to cross,,,dont quote me on that....if its not busy he might let ya fish from the ferry:):):)
2.00 to cross one way....the wife goes across it 8 times a week..
wormosa said:
2.00 to cross one way....the wife goes across it 8 times a week..

wow ya know they should do something like a permit pass say like 13 dollars for 8 trips or a card with punch holes?
they do have a pass, i do not know the price, we took the boat there this year and we went west of the ferry, we go so many bites, but never could hook one, it was the wierdest thing, and they were bites, the poles went down good...
sweet thank you for that, maybe this spring after i get my license a few of us can get together and have some fun over there in st louis ponds
Outdoor_Myers said:
wow ya know they should do something like a permit pass say like 13 dollars for 8 trips or a card with punch holes?
from mcminnville or lafayette you will save 30 to 40 minutes going wheatland compared through newberg/st. paul... it is way faster good luck bro
wormosa said:
from mcminnville or lafayette you will save 30 to 40 minutes going wheatland compared through newberg/st. paul... it is way faster good luck bro

Thanks :)
they will stock huddleston pond on dec. 21st, if i recall i think it was 350 trophy size on that day and huddleston pond is in sheridan
wormosa said:
they will stock huddleston pond on dec. 21st, if i recall i think it was 350 trophy size on that day and huddleston pond is in sheridan

they messed up didn't stock it last week, tomorrow is when they will do it.. in Willamina.. Wormosa arent you off on Mondays? I am headed there tomorrow
Bingo bango brooderongo!

Bingo bango brooderongo!

I just got back from st louis. Adam THANK YOU for the heads up. I got a late start and arrived around 9. I had the island point of pond 6 and its lagoon all to myself.Casted my ultra light out with eggs under a bobber.After 20 minutes and 2 more casts ,I picked up my pack pole and casted a black and white #2 mepps. I retreived it about 3 feet and thought I had got deep in the weeds, but set the hook anyway. The fight was on! She didn't take much line but just kept rolling, filally at about 20 feet from the shore I saw a huge dark red stripe and chrome flash. I am waiting for a friend to forward the photos to me and will post them soon. 6.76 pounds, 23 1/2 inches and 7 1/2 deep. Well worth the trip if you can go.
Luck to all and tight lines - Nimz :dance:
I was at salish today caught a nice trout. are the gonna stock salish and walter wirth tomarrow?
I knew about that but its not right. It only shows half of the stockings that there are. In a single week salish got stocked 3 times on different days. Thats only a guidline.

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