Could someone help me out on some sturgeon info?
Willamette or Columbia?
Willamette or Columbia?
Mike123 said:Cool thanks guys!
Yea, were trying to decide on where to go.. I'm new to sturgeon. I know the basics but I don't know areas that well.
What oz.'s of lead are you guys using on avg...?
We're getting squid and smelt, any other bait?
halibuthitman said:are you bank fishing?
halibuthitman said:oh, good! i was just gonna offer you a seat up here on the channel, but sounds like you got it covered.... I never catch anything anyway.
halibuthitman said:tommorrow, and mabe saturday.
halibuthitman said:the offer is always good- my boat is only 16'..... but that makes it a whole lot easier when your trying to catch a fish as big as your boat! keep me posted
Herefishyfishy said:Hit the willi from the bank at Meldrum yesterday. The water was high and fast, didn't have enough weight to keep it on the bottom. I have to get my boat together! There must have been 100 people down there fishing for steelies!
Herefishyfishy said:I heard there was one pulled in early morning, not much of a success rate for so many poles. I also heard 5 were caught wed and ten on tues.
Herefishyfishy said:I don't know for sure how many rods but I will say it was a fricken wall of them! I can handle plunkin for sturgeon but I don't know how these guys sit there all day for steelhead. I'm workin on getting my boat ready, I need new seats and a prop, I've had the boat for 21 years now! We'll have to hit it when I get it goin, it's a 16' too.
John B said:Because I have my boat tore apart putting new seats and equipment in, I wont be able to go for about another week. But if it were me I think I would concentrate on the St. Johns area under the bridge. Waters high so use extra caution and take extra lead. 10 to 12 ounces maybe more depending on where your fishing. Let us all know how you do.