Bank fishing the Columbia

Hey everybody,

New to forum but have been reading for awhile now. I'm curious if anybody has tried steelhead fishing the Columbia from the bank? I use to fish the washington bank several years back with spinglows and had good success this time of year. I live in Portland now and was thinking of heading up Hwy 30 and driving along Gillihan road (on sauvie island) until i found a good spot. Any thoughts?

They can be and are caught from the Island. Spin n Glos, with sand shrimp or coon shrimp. I like to have one right on the bottom, and one 3' above it. Good luck.
Over at tanner creek saw about 30 guys today. One huge sturgeon launched into the air and broke off on another guys line. As for me, the skunk continues. Trying spinners and pautzke's today.
How did you guys leave without catching a steelhead? Right now is about as easy as it gets to hook one up there.

Plunking spin glos' in the columbia above the creek itself has been doing well.
How did you guys leave without catching a steelhead? Right now is about as easy as it gets to hook one up there.

Plunking spin glos' in the columbia above the creek itself has been doing well.

It was slow today! I couldnt catch anything, and have lost about the most lead I have bought at a time in my life. People said the couple days before, they were catching 10-20 fish on a rod, but most were wild. Today, people were lucky to get 3. Barely any catching...
:mad: Oh Yeahhh! Forgot about that! I can still fish like, At the mouth and Stuff and at the Cove at Herman creek.
And I called my dad and he said we Might be able to go on the Colombia.
When plunking for Steelhead with Spinnin glos, Do you set that Hook ASAP When you get a bite?
Or do they just take it?

Get yer line TIGHT then set it! One poor kid, younger than use, got a big bite, he just tried to set the hook and reel, but he was just too... I dont know the word for it. :(

I forgot to mention.
My line was tight, rod was flexed, and all of a sudden, it just popped up all of a sudden with some slack. Fish picked it up and dragged it a little?
your bell rings and you swooooosshhhh the rod like no tommorow....but if your fishing at sandy beach....and the bottom is kinda run away from the bank when you set the hook... reason being....your sinker or weight is just sitting kida half burried in there's a lot of slack as the weight moved when fish took your bait or lure.......while with rocky bottom your weight is wedged in anycase a lil reelin to get the slack off and then hookset is always better...
.i know what you mean schooler...and trust me...i don want to be rude but its just funny when poeple take all the time in the world to set the hook....i was a member of that club too:lol:but thats history....
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