Is that the pond off highbanks in Springfield?
My grandfather used to take me there once a week each summer when I was a young man, I even talked my mom into taking me there a few times, boy that place was a lil' slice of heaven decades ago,.....bass, crappie, huge bluegills, I even caught some kokanee the game department dumped there once.
I learned how to flyfish there, so sad how things get ruined, last I'd heard they had filled in most of the original ponds for Major's boat/R.V. plant and killed off the fish for some reason.
I think they were originaly gravel pits or some weird open pit mining operation back in the 60's or 70's, I used to find strange looking shiny metalic chunks of rock piled up near an old steel derrick in the far back pond.
The front pond had a long gravel island piled up in the center that the geese used to live on, it was the perfect spot to hatch their chicks because the rest of the pond was basicaly a mote for their island.
The ponds were surounded by acres of hazelnut orchards that helped block the sun and wind, back on the far side of the front pond there were cattle that used to drink out of a little feeder channel that came from the Mckenzie river, it was a real garden of eden in a kids eyes.