Anyone been to Sheridan lately?

Haven't fished anywhere in 10-15 years. Have my 11-yr old grandson visiting and thought I'd take him to Sheridan pond or Dayton boat ramp. What's to catch and what bait to use at each?
I went last Friday

I went last Friday

I went last Friday. It was awful. Totally skunked. It's not due to be stocked for the rest of the year either. Saw a guy a cross from me pull in 2. I was out there for about 4 hours and never even got a bite. I usually kill it there! It's my normal go to spot. The pic is from my previous trip. It was disappointing.
It's probably been pretty much all fished out. But, I C & R's a couple of dozen last year with one Orange and one Lemon/Lime Power Egg on a size 4 single egg hook last year.
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