Any givers???

I have Saturday free to go after steel. If anyone wants to join a steel newbie and try and teach me some stuff i'd love some company. In the O.C. area so sandy, clack, E.C. or possibly wilson are good by me. pm me if anyone wants to go.
Bring your rain coat! A storms coming in that's expected to drop 3+ inches of rain in the hills and 1-3inches in the lowlands.
Yeah...the Wilson was already high and muddy yesterday I doubt it's going to be pretty Saturday. No idea on the other rivers though.
I'm afraid of that, but I have so few saturdays I feel I have to try. Maybe not with all this rain. Just sit home and tie flies.
It's been raining HARD n' HEAVY, here in the mid valley too. I'm sure that ALL streams are high, muddy and OFF color. And, they're only going to get higher/mudier over the weekend...MORE rain is coming. It isn't supposed to stop raining until next week.
This weekend is blown out, extended forecast implies things will get better by wed through next weekend.

Get your honey dos done in advance.
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