Alton-Baker pond update 2-25-10

Here's the latest at A.B. pond;

Aprox. 10:am or earlier, the pond was re-stocked again just below the bridge at the canal mouth to the pond and furthur downstream from the pond.

The local walkers report aprox. 4 steelhead sized "trout" caught just after stocking between the bridge and pond entrance before 10:30 AM.

I arrived just after 10:30 and a cold westward wind started blowing that put off almost all feeding.

I caught 1 - 10" trout at the canal entrance to the pond on a rooster tail spinner and saw 1 trout about the same size caught on the south shore on bait.

I went over to the north shore with no results and saw no surface action on the pond from 10:30 to 12:00, so I called it a day.:wall:

If anyone else has better luck let me know.:pray:
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rodsnguns said:
Here's the latest at A.B. pond;

Aprox. 10:am or earlier, the pond was re-stocked again just below the bridge at the canal mouth to the pond and furthur downstream from the pond.

The local walkers report aprox. 4 steelhead sized "trout" caught just after stocking between the bridge and pond entrance before 10:30 AM.

I arrived just after 10:30 and a cold westward wind started blowing that put off almost all feeding.

I caught 1 - 10" trout at the canal entrance to the pond on a rooster tail spinner and saw 1 trout about the same size caught on the south shore on bait.

I went over to the north shore with no results and saw no surface action on the pond from 10:30 to 12:00, so I called it a day.:wall:

If anyone else has better luck let me know.:pray:

ODFW normally dumps a big load into the canal right behind Kowloon's restaurant too. Do you know if they did that also today?

P.S. Thanks for the first hand report. I'm hoping to get there on Sat.
I showed up at about 11:30a.m., and left at 6:00pm today. I think the only luck I had with me today was bad luck LOL. I caught a total of 2 fish in that time period. Caught 1 on a Thompson, and the other on a Bud's spinner. I was maybe 100 yards down from Kowloons, on the opposite side from Kowloons. The whole time I was there I tried out Thompsons, Kastmasters, Rooster Tails, Bud's Spinners, Blue Fox's, Pink Power Eggs, chartreuse power bait, Atlas Spawn Sac eggs, and various spoons. I saw people catching em every once in awhile across from Kowloons, but not sure what they were using. I plan on going tomorrow, but I don't know, maybe I'll try at the pond. Over all It was a pretty disappointing day, not sure how 1,900 fish can be planted and I only catch 2 fish :confused::(
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Dont feel bad. I fished Lake Selmac today, it was stocked last thursday with 5000 trout and i only caught one :D
The fishing is always good just after they stock it. I saw a lot of people leave with limits. I lost track of how many I caught and released today with my fly rod and barbless hook. I did keep 5 around 14". I sure hate to see people C&R when they are using power bait or lures with treble hooks. I know the fish generally swim away when released, but they will most likely be dead by tomorrow. I did see several dead before I left. They can't stand that kind of stress. I never even touch the fish I intend to release. At least use single barbless hooks. It will leave a lot more fish for everyone.
Sorry but 2 fish isn't bad luck, in fact it's not bad at all for early season trout fishing. Bad luck is multiple skunks in a row. The fish just aren't that active this time of year, especially right after a stocking. That waters cold it takes the fish a while to acclimate.
grampa ron said:
The fishing is always good just after they stock it. I saw a lot of people leave with limits. I lost track of how many I caught and released today with my fly rod and barbless hook. I did keep 5 around 14". I sure hate to see people C&R when they are using power bait or lures with treble hooks. I know the fish generally swim away when released, but they will most likely be dead by tomorrow. I did see several dead before I left. They can't stand that kind of stress. I never even touch the fish I intend to release. At least use single barbless hooks. It will leave a lot more fish for everyone.

An ODFW Biologist once told me to leave hooks IN the fish, if I wan't to release them and the hook is deep. He said that fish have a blood enzyme that disolves the hook in 3 days and the fish will be fine. I'd have to agree though, that shock will kill the fish quite often. I usually just cut the line and let the fish slip back into water with the hook still inside.

P.S. You got a nice stringer today!
natro said:
I showed up at about 11:30a.m., and left at 6:00pm today. I think the only luck I had with me today was bad luck LOL. I caught a total of 2 fish in that time period. Caught 1 on a Thompson, and the other on a Bud's spinner. I was maybe 100 yards down from Kowloons, on the opposite side from Kowloons. The whole time I was there I tried out Thompsons, Kastmasters, Rooster Tails, Bud's Spinners, Blue Fox's, Pink Power Eggs, chartreuse power bait, Atlas Spawn Sac eggs, and various spoons. I saw people catching em every once in awhile across from Kowloons, but not sure what they were using. I plan on going tomorrow, but I don't know, maybe I'll try at the pond. Over all It was a pretty disappointing day, not sure how 1,900 fish can be planted and I only catch 2 fish :confused::(

Did you try more than one hole? Those trout will congregate in one pocket and not venture out for a while. If you can get into a pocket with fish in it, you'll likely catch fish all day long. So, my advice is to move around and cover lots of water. If you don't catch a second fish within 15 - 20 minutes, move to another spot and try again until you locate a thick pocket.

Also...I knocked 'em dead in the outflow pond 2 weeks ago. I used one Spring Green (not chartruese) Power Egg, and one Orange Power egg on a single size 8 or 6 Egg hook. Rainbow power bait has the same coloration. But, I love the Power Eggs--they stay on fish after fish after fish after fish (so they cost less in the long run than power bait and catch more fish). Plus, power bait is MESSY and the eggs are not.

So, try the SPRING Green and Orange combo (and maybe add some scent). You should do well. (use about 3' of leader too).
No, I pretty much stayed with 50 feet or so from my original spot. I figured I'd be limited out within an hour or so I lugged all my stuff down with me when I first showed up. Caught my first 2 within that hour and was hoping for more. Thought about moving around but didn't feel like lugging all my stuff around. All along that straight stretch opposite of Kowloons was pretty packed with people, and I hate having to rub shoulders with people while fishing when there's plenty of water to go all around. I think I'll try the A.B. Pond this morning.
Yeah, try getting to the outflow pond early. If that doesn't work, I'd suggest walking over the spillway located almost under the freeway. The tailout produces quite well, for about 20-30 fish and there's only room for two people max. So, early is the key.
Sounds good, thanks I'll give it a try. Taking off here in just a few minutes.
You also made a really good observation yesterday. A lot of other peeps were also fishing. And, none of them caught very many...correct? It is also due to the fact that they too, did not move around to locate the fish.

Trout need a very specific water temperature, a specific oxygen level, and areas where they feel that they can hide from natural predators. So, that is why they will congregate in certain areas.

The trick, then, is to only take enough gear that you have what you need. BUT, you MUST be portable and able to freely get up, move, and locate the fish. If you do this, I can guarantee that you will catch more fish.

Good luck.
Hit it early this morning with no luck

Hit it early this morning with no luck

It seems to be a quiet morning for fishing. I fished the spillway, up by I5 from 7am to 9:30 and it was pretty quiet. I threw most everything I had at them. They nibbled at some worms, and I hooked one, but it broke my leader. I saw several surface a few times, but no action at all. :confused:
Hey Jungle,

Sorry to hear that you were visited by the black beast with a white stripe!:(

It's kinda weird that you didn't do better. Cuz according to Dot's Tide Tables, the fishing should be great right now. I'll bet it's the change in barometric pressure that slowed it down.

Good luck next time.

Well, I thought I'd give my report for today. After reading the post by troutdude about moving around, it reminded me that I had bought one of those little fishing storage boxes that has like 8 little double sided compartments. Anyways, I got there around 7:45, and loaded that little box up with the essentials. Stared out by the bridge you drive over to get into the park, using a gold Thompson, caught 1 on my second cast. From there I went over to the pond where the pond spills into the river, and caught nothing but debris, and ended up losing my Thompson. From there I went to where I was yesterday all day and caught 1 more, using a cheap gold spoon I had bought a long time ago. Ended up finding a Panther Martin I had lost yesterday too, so I switched over to that, with no results. I walked up stream about 100 feet (in the direction of Kowloons) and pitched the gold spoon, and bam, had my limit in about 10 minutes. Couldn't believe it! There were about 8 other people in the area I was, but quite aways down from me, and 1 guy on the Kowloon's side. Other than what I caught I only saw 1 other fish caught. On my way out at 10:30, I saw 4 or so more people fishing @ the bridge you drive in at, but not sure how they did. So now I'm on my way to Bi-mart to replace that Thompson I lost, and get another one of those gold spoons. ;)
natro said:
Well, I thought I'd give my report for today. After reading the post by troutdude about moving around, it reminded me that I had bought one of those little fishing storage boxes that has like 8 little double sided compartments. Anyways, I got there around 7:45, and loaded that little box up with the essentials. Stared out by the bridge you drive over to get into the park, using a gold Thompson, caught 1 on my second cast. From there I went over to the pond where the pond spills into the river, and caught nothing but debris, and ended up losing my Thompson. From there I went to where I was yesterday all day and caught 1 more, using a cheap gold spoon I had bought a long time ago. Ended up finding a Panther Martin I had lost yesterday too, so I switched over to that, with no results. I walked up stream about 100 feet (in the direction of Kowloons) and pitched the gold spoon, and bam, had my limit in about 10 minutes. Couldn't believe it! There were about 8 other people in the area I was, but quite aways down from me, and 1 guy on the Kowloon's side. Other than what I caught I only saw 1 other fish caught. On my way out at 10:30, I saw 4 or so more people fishing @ the bridge you drive in at, but not sure how they did. So now I'm on my way to Bi-mart to replace that Thompson I lost, and get another one of those gold spoons. ;)

Sound like you had a good day today. Did moving around and covering water help your success rate?
Haha, yeah it did. That little fishing container I had bought came in handy too. Filled it up with the hardware I wanted and it was small enough to fit in my jacket pocket. Had a great day today, complete opposite from yesterday. Limited out & got a lure of mine back. Got soaked to the bone but that's alright. Probably head out again a little later tomorrow, and if it's raining I'll make sure to bring the rain gear.
Alright man, congrats on a good day!

I have a belly / hip pack that has one monster size pocket and then smaller ones on each side. It's a great way to carry all of my gear (and keeps my hands free to carry TWO rods, a chair, rod holders, etc).

BTW, it IS legal to use TWO rods in A.B. Canal (IF you have the correct licenses of course). I start with power eggs off the bottom w/ one rod, while casting flies, spinners, wobblers etc. with the other one. Then, I switch both rods to whatever gear catches the fish.

Glad I was helpful.
Was driving into the park on my way home to see how packed it was ( 2:00pm) and there was a kid walking through the parking lot with an absolute monster of a fish. Good color on it and everything, so I've gathered up my stuff & now I'm on my way back out there to see if I can catch one of those big guys.
natro said:
Was driving into the park on my way home to see how packed it was ( 2:00pm) and there was a kid walking through the parking lot with an absolute monster of a fish. Good color on it and everything, so I've gathered up my stuff & now I'm on my way back out there to see if I can catch one of those big guys.

Okay...the suspense is killing me. How did you do my friend?

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