Advice for a visitor

Oregonian Fisherfolk,
I am a new member and first time visitor, so this is obviously my first post and, sad to say, it's self-serving. My wife and I are traveling to Eugene, Oregon in July for a family wedding. We will be staying at the Wayfarer's Resort in Vida. Last time out there, I booked a float with Aaron Helfrich and had a great day catching native cutts. However, on this trip, my wife-the lovely Helen- who doesn't grasp fishing at all will have nothing to divert her attention and so I won't get free for another day on the McKenzie. Most likely, we'll spend the week hiking. My question is, does anyone know of any day hikes in that area that follow or intersect with fishable waters? I'm thinking of sticking a four or five weight rod in my day pack, and urging Helen to rest her aching feet while I attempt to interest some native fish in sipping a fly. I guess this is a pretty broad subject, but I'd appreciate any input.
from Vida head east up 126 & go hiking at koosa falls area on the mc kenzie river.
it is beautiful up there.
another great hike that she would love is to go to belknap springs resort.
they have some nice trails & a great hidden garden area across the bridge over the river.
you can also setup a river rafting trip that leaves from the resort. we have done that a few times & it is always a great trip.
from Vida head east up 126 & go hiking at koosa falls area on the mc kenzie river.
it is beautiful up there.
another great hike that she would love is to go to belknap springs resort.
they have some nice trails & a great hidden garden area across the bridge over the river.
you can also setup a river rafting trip that leaves from the resort. we have done that a few times & it is always a great trip.

I agree with knucklehead, those are 2 great choices. How'd you come up with the name marshfeild?
A good portion of the length of the McKenzie is trail. There are also tons of landings and stuff with nice viewing areas etc. Belknap springs is a great spot, and there's some nice fishable water a little bit above it upstream.

Water's been really warm and low this year, and temps are high enough that you can wade comfortably in sandals or sneakers if you like.
Thanks for the recommendations. Especially like the fact that I can leave the waders at home and save packing space. I'll let you all know how I made out when I return. Any suggestions as to what flies I might bring?
Oregonian Fisherfolk,

BLAH, BLAH, wife-the lovely Helen- who doesn't grasp fishing...BLAH, BLAH, I won't get free for another day on the McKenzie...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.....we'll spend the week hiking....BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.....but I'd appreciate any input.

Leave Helen home?......

headwaters of the Mckenzie/Blue Pool is a nice hike probably already referred to by earlier posters.

But...when its hot in evening float down a section of the Mckenzie is 10-20 degrees cooler and damn near mystical.....

Up your game a little....Sell it to her as a romantic evening float.....bring wine.
Blue Pool is just above Oakridge but it's a gorgeous little campground, and the nominal pool is a place I've been meaning to take a flyrod to for a couple years. All the camp sites have really good river access stairs, there.
Thanks for the recommendations. Especially like the fact that I can leave the waders at home and save packing space. I'll let you all know how I made out when I return. Any suggestions as to what flies I might bring? Check their report for the Mack. Spoilers: caddis, PMD, green drake, heavy beadhead nymphs and stuff to get down low where the fish are hiding when the water gets warm (aka after 10-11am). I've been slapping at big dark mayflies as well, they seem to think the hair on my bare legs are the best place to chill ever. Bring swim trunks if you want to get really aggressive wading without waders. :)
My mistake..."Blue Pool" is immediately east of Oakridge...The blue pool near the headwaters of the Mckenzie River Trail is called Tamolitch Pool.

Wonderful hike.
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