AB will be stocked this thursday

Looks like AB will be stocked this Thursday.
Yep, that's on our radar.

Right now, I've wrangled LilSalmon, BigSteel, and NWKiller to join me there this Saturday. Most of us plan to arrive about 2:00. We'll likely hit the Outflow Pond first.

Care to join the fishing frenzy?
Possibly, I'm not sure, but more than likely I'll be there on Saturday. I'm for sure going to be there on Thursday morning.
natro said:
Possibly, I'm not sure, but more than likely I'll be there on Saturday. I'm for sure going to be there on Thursday morning.

Wish I was gonna be there Thursday, I have not had a good day of fishing in a few weeks. I thankfully got called back to work, so not so much fishing time anymore. I will probably be there Friday though, unless I get the overtime I signed for, doubtful since I am the lowest senority at the mill right now.Good luck though, hopefully you all will leave me some fish! It sure was fun the last time they stocked, I love catching fish for hours!
Hooked on fishin' said:
Wish I was gonna be there Thursday, I have not had a good day of fishing in a few weeks. I thankfully got called back to work, so not so much fishing time anymore. I will probably be there Friday though, unless I get the overtime I signed for, doubtful since I am the lowest senority at the mill right now.Good luck though, hopefully you all will leave me some fish! It sure was fun the last time they stocked, I love catching fish for hours!

Yeah, I'm an electrician apprentice and work has been slow as hell for me for like the last 8 months, so that gives me plenty of fishing time (unfortunatly), LOL. It was nice for the first month or so but now all the time off is getting a bit old. I'm really hoping work picks up real soon, but until then it gives me time to fish on the weekdays.
Sure wish that I could be there on Thursday. But, I work for a Security company and need to keep our apprentice and our journeymen all working! (and me too).

Have fun on Thursday my friend. And, we'll be lookin' for your report. :-)

P.S. Maybe we'll see you on Saturday too.
Just wanted to pass on that alton baker park was indeed stocked today (wednesday) and not thursday.. maybe there will be another extra load who knows but this is just the intellegence i received today.
the_intimidator03 said:
Just wanted to pass on that alton baker park was indeed stocked today (wednesday) and not thursday.. maybe there will be another extra load who knows but this is just the intellegence i received today.

Thanks for the heads up, I will still try Friday, although the fish seem to disperse rather quickly at AB, there ought to be a few left, maybe I can entice them with my fly rod.Anyway, I'm OFF to work, gotta love starting at 4am.
Thanks Intimidator. Any relation to the Terminator??? LOL

Wish I could go today, but gotta work and I wont' get home till about 10 pm.

Oh well, Saturday is just around the corner. ;-)
no relation to the terminator lol its actually from favorite nascar driver dale earnhardt :-p
So you're not really related to the Californian Governor, eh? lol

Have fun fishing.

BTW, a few fellow OFF'ers and I will be fishing AB Canal / Ponds this Saturday afternoon. Maybe we'll see you on the water (well, okay...actually "near" the water...LOL).
Well, Intimidator is right, I guess AB was stocked yesterday. I went there today around 10:30 and heard 2 guys talking about it being stocked yesterday. I called the hatchery and the stocking recording had been updated and said AB was getting stocked on Wed. I went and tried fishing there along the straight stretch by kowloons without a bite. I saw only 2 fish caught. I went over the the outflow pond and there were 4 people fishing right next to the walking bridge where the water flows out of the pond and they were catching a few. The water was pretty dirty and I think that was affecting things a bit. I ended up getting skunked and just went home.
Hey Nate,

Sorry u got nuthin' but a black critter w/ a white stripe today.

I called ODFW's "confirmation" hot line last night. And, they DO list AB Canal as having been done (as of 4:30 pm yesterday). So, it WAS done.

I think you're right about the water conditions. 'Bows don't much like mud in their gills! (I wouldn't either). LOL

P.S. Thanks for the report.
I got bored sitting at home so I went back out there around 4 or so. Fished the outflow pond for a few hours and limited out. Used Pink Power eggs, and my last fish was caught on a bronze spoon. The water was pretty bad still, I didn't really expect to do any better than I did earlier, but ended up doing pretty good.
Save some for us!!!!! My first time there...gotta make it good....:dance:
I think I'll head out there tomorrow morning and try the power eggs again at the outflow pond. Those power eggs are nice. I went through 4 fish and never had to change bait.
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Went out there this morining to the outflow pond around 10:30, with it just pouring rain and windy, but had my rain gear. Caught 1 with the power eggs right away, then it took awhile for me to catch anymore. Around an hour after catching the first I switched to my bronze spoon, and eventually caught my next 4 on that. Then took of for home to get out of the bad weather.
Very groovy man. I told you that those Power Eggs were awesome! Don't have to change 'em...even after catching multiple fish. That directly translates to more fish caught (cuz time to re-rig is a lot less and your line is back in the water). Plus, less loss of bait means you buy less bait (and save money!).

But, I'll bring my kastmasters and brass little cleo's too!

Hope you can come join us tomorrow. We'll arrive around 12:30 or 1:00. And, I'll be the brave dude...sportin' a Beaver hat in Duck country!

P.S. Thanks for the report. You've given us hope of catching some!
I more than likely will be there tomorrow but I'm not 100% sure. If I go I'll keep an eye out for you guys. Hopefully plenty of fish will still be in there for the weekend, and the weather not so bad.
I second your motions: for good weather and for plenty of biting fish!

It's much better to call it "catching" and not just "fishing"!

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