Aaron Mercer Reservoir update

Jumping into an old thread here. Any updates on Aaron Mercer's regs? I'm in Corvallis, big fan of native cutts and c&r fly-fishing. Was just cruising around google maps looking at Rickreal and other creeks and saw the reservoir. Looking for places to chase cutthroat this winter. Any thoughts on fishing the creek above the reservoir?
StillCreekSam said:
Jumping into an old thread here. Any updates on Aaron Mercer's regs? I'm in Corvallis, big fan of native cutts and c&r fly-fishing. Was just cruising around google maps looking at Rickreal and other creeks and saw the reservoir. Looking for places to chase cutthroat this winter. Any thoughts on fishing the creek above the reservoir?
Sorry but that land is privately owned. The gate is closed--and you WILL be kicked out of there and arrested for trespassing (if you are in any kind of motorized vehicle). They are VERY strict about it. They ONLY allow non-powered vehicles into the lake, like a bicycle.

Some complete dumb ass started a forest fire up there many years ago. So their stupidity shut it all down, for the rest of us.

I'm not sure if this is still the case--but the owners used to open the gate (and property), ONLY during the month of November. For hunters primarily, but we were also allowed to fish in that lake too. It's been a few years since I've been up there, so that permission may have changed since then.

In addition, you need to review the regs for stream fishing. 98% of our streams are closed at this time of the year. What I can suggest, however, is that you hit the creek AT, or BELOW, the gate. Their aren't many, but their are some nice cutties in that stream. You'll just need to wait until next Spring, when the streams are legally open for trout fishing.

@brandon4455 will likely have more deets.
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troutdude said:
Sorry but that land is privately owned. The gate is closed--and you WILL be kicked out of there and arrested for trespassing (if you are in any kind of motorized vehicle). They are VERY strict about it. They ONLY allow non-powered vehicles into the lake, like a bicycle.

Some complete dumb ass started a forest fire up there many years ago. So their stupidity shut it all down, for the rest of us.

I'm not sure if this is still the case--but the owners used to open the gate (and property), ONLY during the month of November. For hunters primarily, but we were also allowed to fish in that lake too. It's been a few years since I've been up there, so that permission may have changed since then.

In addition, you need to review the regs for stream fishing. 98% of our streams are closed at this time of the year. What I can suggest, however, is that you hit the creek AT, or BELOW, the gate. Their aren't many, but their are some nice cutties in that stream. You'll just need to wait until next Spring, when the streams are legally open for trout fishing.

@brandon4455 will likely have more deets.
Thanks troutdude. I appreciate the clear and direct intel re: trespassing above the gate. That’s what was most confusing. Sounds like if someone on-foot fishing the creek (not lake) up there, could be a grey area, but might not be worth the hubbub for slow fishing.

And thanks for the note re: the creek itself. My understanding and experience is most creeks in the valley get a run of Cutts from the Willy around mid-Jan to March.

I’m a thorough regs guy. Rickreall is open year-round (catch and release for trout between Nov and May), like a good number of east flowing cost range streams (Lucky, Willamina, etc). Can be very slow fishing this time of year, but fun exploring. The question is more about access. Your swift reply helped! Much appreciated.

Edit: I'm sorry to hear about the fire in your neck of the woods. That's a huge loss for everyone-- hunters and anglers (even those kayak guys who used upper Rickreall). Hopefully after a while things repair and get restored. I liked the concept of an affordable permit to access the area!

For future readers:

Rickreall Creek and Tributaries​

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@StillCreekSam you're very welcome.

Sorry that I didn't look up the exact reg's for Rickreall Creek & it's tribs. I only looked up the reservoir itself. I should know better than trying to multi-task. LOL

The Lucky is probably open year round too, if that's the case. Either one might be worth exploration. And, I'm pretty sure that you can go on foot past the gate, on Rickreall Creek. But don't quote me on that. It would be wise to check in at the office, before trying that. That fire, up there, happened MANY years ago (decades maybe). So, they have rightfully been very skiddish to allow peeps into their land.

Might be worth checking the regs, and exploring the Yammy if it's open too. I've heard that the Yamhill Locks area can be good.
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troutdude said:
@StillCreekSam you're very welcome.

Sorry that I didn't look up the exact reg's for Rickreall Creek & it's tribs. I only looked up the reservoir itself. I should know better than trying to multi-task. LOL

The Lucky is probably open year round too, if that's the case. Either one might be worth exploration. And, I'm pretty sure that you can go on foot past the gate, on Rickreall Creek. But don't quote me on that. It would be wise to check in at the office, before trying that. That fire, up there, happened MANY years ago (decades maybe). So, they have rightfully been very skiddish to allow peeps into their land.

Might be worth checking the regs, and exploring the Yammy if it's open too. I've heard that the Yamhill Locks area can be good.
The vast majority of west side Willamette tribs are open year round for trout these days. Tualatin and tribs, Rickreall, Luckiamute, Little Luckiamute, north and south Yamhill and tribs. Pretty much every west side trib above Willamette Falls.
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Rickreall creek out of all east slope coast range willamette tribs really has been in absolute terrible
Shape from lack of oxygen and cool flowing water in the warmer months and there are better places for consistent trout fishing. I think this is also because the city of Dallas has nearly tripled in population since my childhood and the water useage has increased immensely. Trout exist in a very minimal capacity anymore below Aaron Mercer dam.. I miss it dearly!

15 years ago I could walk through town with a fly rod in hand and catch 30 nice cutthroats. Sometimes, you’d catch some of those migratory giants too. Pikeminnow and shiners is about all you’ll find in a lot of it now.

Hike and bike only above the gate except for during the month of November.

They did change to year round trout fishing a few years ago on most of these streams, it use to not be that way. Some of them fish better in the winter, some not so much. It’s not too hard to figure out though. Just takes time and effort.
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brandon4455 said:
Rickreall creek out of all east slope coast range willamette tribs really has been in absolute terrible
Shape from lack of oxygen and cool flowing water in the warmer months and there are better places for consistent trout fishing. I think this is also because the city of Dallas has nearly tripled in population since my childhood and the water useage has increased immensely. Trout exist in a very minimal capacity anymore below Aaron Mercer dam.. I miss it dearly!

15 years ago I could walk through town with a fly rod in hand and catch 30 nice cutthroats. Sometimes, you’d catch some of those migratory giants too. Pikeminnow and shiners is about all you’ll find in a lot of it now.

Hike and bike only above the gate except for during the month of November.

They did change to year round trout fishing a few years ago on most of these streams, it use to not be that way. Some of them fish better in the winter, some not so much. It’s not too hard to figure out though. Just takes time and effort.
Thanks for the reply! Wild to think how much places have changed in the last 10 years. I left Oregon for Montana around 2016 and returned in 2023. Used to fish the upper Clackamas all the time. Aside the fires that ravaged that area, the fishing is just… different. Not worse, per se, but not the “every single cast, catch a nice little fish” kind of day. More like, they’re still there but not eager. Worn out. Maybe that’s just my perception, though. Learning to read weather and seasons for these migratory winter trout has been a blessing. It makes winter more exciting than summer, honestly (with steelhead, too). Just love fishing these open coast range creeks on quiet drizzly days when nobody’s around.
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