Aaron Mercer Resevoir

Aloha All,

Just needed to get info from you all about Aaron Mercer Reservoir west of Dallas. I read that its open only in the month of November. Is that just the gate blocking the private road for motorized vehicles? And if that's the case then the reservoir is open to fishing all year, although you may just have to walk in or bike I suppose? I couldn't find much on google nor a contact to get ahold of. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Happy fishing.

I believe it is about seven miles one way. I think it is owned by Dalton Rock. Try calling them for specifics. I am pretty sure you can ride a bike in during the other months.
C_Run said:
I believe it is about seven miles one way. I think it is owned by Dalton Rock. Try calling them for specifics. I am pretty sure you can ride a bike in during the other months.

You can ride or walk in other months.
o clarki said:
You can ride or walk in other months.

okay so it is open all year round? just in november you can drive up there?
FlyinHayn92 said:
okay so it is open all year round? just in november you can drive up there?

Yes. It should be open now for the deer hunters. (And fishermen, too.) No gas motors but pontoons/ kayaks ok. The side opposite the road is pretty inaccessible for bank fishing.
The reservoir itself is open to fishing year round but only open to motor vehicles during november. the road is closed to all access during fire season.Floatation devices are allowed but no motors gas or electric.

only the bottom 1/3rd of the road is owned by dalton rock, the rest all way way on up and above the reservoir is owned by a private timber company and traded ownership last year.
This has put access in jeopardy , so please keep the area clean, and be sure to report any violations you see to dallas or oregon state police. (poachers,campers,litter bugs)

Don't forget the trout that inhabit the reservoir are 100% native self sustaining trout so pace yourself if you plan on bringing fish home. it's a good thing to keep a few every november as it keeps the fish from overpopulating and stunting but overfishign has a huge impact because it is such a small body of water. There are wild coho salmon in the reservoir via trap & haul program. This means there are juveniles that sometimes stay in the reservoir for up to a year,and reach a large trout size. these fish are often confused with the cutthroat and kept, but they must be released unharmed, so make sure your fish identification skills are fresh and as a rule of thumb, if you aren't sure just let the fish go.

it's a small sensitive body of water and as a community of local angers we are responsible for keeping it clean and the fish plentiful so please make sure to be respectful and within the laws so we don't lose access to such a beautiful place,it's teetering on the edge of being closed.

if you have any other questions regarding this body of water send me a pm i would be glad to answer any questions.I work closely with ODFW and the watershed council on this place and have fished it my whole life.
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Reactions: billfisher, Raincatcher and troutdude
^^^Gets my vote, for post of the month! VERY well articulated Brandon! Rep point comin' your way.

:) :thumb:

P.S. I've been up there 5 or 6 years now. EVERY year, there are State Troopers ON patrol. They DO stop people; and investigate anything suspicious. A big shout out to those who serve, and protect (us and our resources)!!!

P.S. Those troopers do NOT allow anyone past the gate, until one hour prior to sunrise. In other words...you can't get to the lake, at "first legal light". But, it only takes about 20 minutes to drive in to the lake, from the gate.
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It looks like an easy place to fly fish from the bank. Is it so?
There is hardly room to back cast as the logging road is right at your back if you are banking it you could roll cst but even then you won't get very far. i always use my float tube and my buddy uses his pontoon. Though i have seen fish rise literally right off the bank when the wind pushes the bugs that way but only in a certain area..i'm sure you could catch a few but you would be limiting yourself substantially by not using a floatation device.Once the bait fishermen come and bonk every fish they catch (unfortunately this trend has gotten worse in recent years) plus the high angling pressure in general we have seen recently makes the fishing progressively harder the further into november we go. The best bank access and about the only place you can cast a fly well from the bank is at the upper end near the log boom.
Last year, I got a couple with Thomas Buoyants casting them in front of the boat ramp. But like Brandon said, bank spots are very limited. If you have a toon, yak, row boat, or other floatation device--that is your best bet. Especially if you want to use a bug wand.

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