2022 bow fishing around Eugene


New member
I got into bow fishing 5 years ago on my own and with the help of youtube. I learned a ton about using the gear and what to look for while finding and spotting fish (all carp). I had finally spent a few hundred on a good bow and reel just to have it stolen from my car after only sticking one fish. I decided to not replace it because I usually didn't have anyone to join me, BUT with this season rolling around I'm really feeling the fever.

SO I'm looking for someone else who wants to get a setup or someone who already has one to justify replacing mine. it's super rewarding and I can definitely share what I've learned especially about gear. I wasted a TON of time and money so just be prepared to spend 200 to 300 on a setup unless you already have a compound bow.

I also have a boat and would love to try to find some honey holes on fern ridge now that it's full.

reply here and let's link on social media (insta or FB) and hopefully stick some fish!
forget the carp, you can go get bass in the Coquille system and make tacos...

Spearfishing and bait use for smallmouth bass temporarily allowed on Coquille River system
CHARLESTON, Ore – Spears, spear guns and angling with bait to harvest smallmouth bass is allowed in the Coquille River through October 31, 2022. There are no size or bag limits on bass harvest in the Coquille.

The temporary rule is meant to reduce impacts of non-native smallmouth bass on wild fall Chinook salmon in the mainstem Coquille River and the East, Middle, North, and South forks. In the South Fork Coquille, the regulation applies from the mouth to the U.S. Forest Service boundary near Powers.

Spearfishing provides another tool to remove smallmouth bass and help native fish. Many spear fishing anglers participated in this unique harvest opportunity the last two years.

Anglers can use maps of public access on the South Fork Coquille and lower Coquille and a map of smallmouth bass distribution to target these fish. ODFW has a helpful series of videos on spearfishing the Coquille River, including how to build your own fishing spear and how to filet a smallmouth bass.

Although wild fall Chinook in the Coquille suffered from poor ocean conditions, predation by smallmouth bass is the primary reason these fish have not rebounded to the same extent as in other coastal rivers. Smallmouth bass predating on Pacific lamprey and other native species is also a concern.

Since discovery of illegally introduced smallmouth bass in the Coquille River, these invasive fish expanded their range and now are present up to the Forest Service boundary above Powers in the South Fork, up to Laverne Park in the North Fork, and up to Sandy Creek in the Middle Fork. Warm summer temperatures and low flows favor smallmouth bass over native fish and allow them to make further inroads into salmon habitat.

ODFW and partners electrofished for smallmouth bass the past two years and will continue to investigate other removal methods to reduce predation on juvenile wild fall Chinook.

Multiple age classes of smallmouth bass were first confirmed in the Coquille in 2011 meaning the fish had been in the river for multiple spawning cycles.

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I wasted a TON of time and money so just be prepared to spend 200 to 300 on a setup unless you already have a compound bow.
You don't need anything fancy. For $100 get a Cajun Fishstick and go crazy with your carp skewering.

I did it for awhile in Florida, just used a bow fishing kit added to an old browning bow, but long bows are superior I think, simpler design, less to rust, your not reaching out as far as you would in a deer stand.

Rust was the big issue for us on the bow, and definitely not storing it in the sun. (Florida)
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