We heard there were Sturgeon near Newburg so a couple buddies and me went out to give it a go. Booooo! Fished all morning in 4 or 5 holes, not a bite so we bailed about 1230. Driving home the first skunk on my boat was eating at me and I just couldnt let it go so I swung by the house and grabbed wifey and the boys. We launched the boat at St. Johns and went to my favorite hole. Fish on before I even had all three rods out. Got my youngest his first sturgeon, or "shark fish" as he calls them. We boated 11 shakers in the next 1.5 hours and then got boarded by the Coast Guard for a safety inspection which wasted the rest of our daylight. Biggest was a 36" that was caught on a salmon pole so it was a fun fish. Fun afternoon and family time in weather that couldnt be beaten in late November.

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