11/11 Wish for fish

11/11 is coming up... and it will be my birthday. No school, low chance of rain... where to go?
Eagle creek is looking like a fair choice, but I do not know any of eagle creek, besides the Bonnie Lure hole under the bridge. Hiking will be fine, as long as it does not require waders. Eagle Fern or... Thanks! ;)
If the Contest was who could catch there first coho I wouldve won.

Eagle fern should be Good, Or higher.
The hatchery holes will be your best bet. You won't find anything chrome but there will be a few fish left in there.
metalmania said:
The hatchery holes will be your best bet. You won't find anything chrome but there will be a few fish left in there.

The hatchery is up at Eagle Fern, right?
Troutier Bassier said:
If the Contest was who could catch there first coho I wouldve won.

Eagle fern should be Good, Or higher.

You guys should have a contest to see who can hold thier breath longer.

Your best shot is going to be the hatcheries. Wading or no wading.... drift small. Small shots of yarn..... the biggest you'll probably want to go is about a half inch to an inch of yarn no corkie, 2 foot leader and a couple of small split shot. Just keep putting it right in thier face until you see it enhale it and set the hook. Best of luck to ya bud
FishSchooler said:
The hatchery is up at Eagle Fern, right?

Nope it's 6-7 miles upriver from there.
That the hatchery at the end of Rainbow Road?? If so, where are the 'holes' (I have no knowledge of the area.. ) and where is the river access?
Growbug said:
That the hatchery at the end of Rainbow Road?? If so, where are the 'holes' (I have no knowledge of the area.. ) and where is the river access?

There's a pulloff on rainbow road just before you come to the hatchery, there's usually other cars there. Walk from there down the driveway (you'll see it from the parking spot it's the only one). The driveway will split in 2, go to the right. Follow the trail until you start seeing other little trails coming off it and head down any of those.
Im looking at online maps right now...
On rainbow road, there is a left turn, which splits into two. It looks like a brown road. But if you pass that, you keep going towards the hatchery, it takes you to the hatchery, and there is a fork, but the fork ends up as a loop. Do you take the left before the hatchery?

Bad news is... it's 41 miles away and 1 hour drive. :(
FishSchooler said:
Im looking at online maps right now...
On rainbow road, there is a left turn, which splits into two. It looks like a brown road. But if you pass that, you keep going towards the hatchery, it takes you to the hatchery, and there is a fork, but the fork ends up as a loop. Do you take the left before the hatchery?

Bad news is... it's 41 miles away and 1 hour drive. :(

Just stay on the main road, you'll see the parking spot as your going downhill not far from the hatchery.
FishSchooler said:
Bad news is... it's 41 miles away and 1 hour drive. :(

It's not that bad of a drive. Lots to look at. It's also worth the drive. We got into quite a few fish down there. You might not want to keep some of the ones that you catch but you'll definitely love the fight. Can't wait to see some pics with you grinning ear to ear holding a big ol fish
autofisher said:
You guys should have a contest to see who can hold thier breath longer.

Your best shot is going to be the hatcheries. Wading or no wading.... drift small. Small shots of yarn..... the biggest you'll probably want to go is about a half inch to an inch of yarn no corkie, 2 foot leader and a couple of small split shot. Just keep putting it right in thier face until you see it enhale it and set the hook. Best of luck to ya bud

When rigging this way, do you use an egg loop and run the yarn through it? This is called Flossing, right?
alm21 said:
When rigging this way, do you use an egg loop and run the yarn through it? This is called Flossing, right?

Flossing happens when you run a LONG leader (usually longer than 3 feet) from your main line. When you're in small water (like Eagle Creek) and you're using a 2-3 foot leader and putting your shot right in front if the fish you can pretty much see them inhale it. I watched in amazement the other day as a female coho stalked and struck at a peice of yarn. I was standing up on a cliff with a couple of other forum members and one of them was casting down into the pool. We could see everything that was going on. Mostly it's about getting your gear right in front of the fish and getting them ticked enough to strike at it.
alm21 said:
When rigging this way, do you use an egg loop and run the yarn through it? This is called Flossing, right?

That's the easiest way to rig it, just stick in an egg loop. You could definitly floss fish this way, but i'm willing to bet Autofisher is using this rig the way it was intended, as a low water sight fishing rig, not a flossing rig.
metalmania said:
That's the easiest way to rig it, just stick in an egg loop. You could definitly floss fish this way, but i'm willing to bet Autofisher is using this rig the way it was intended, as a low water sight fishing rig, not a flossing rig.

Heck no!!! I'm running 12 foot leaders and 8 foot swings. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Honestly no I don't floss. If you think that I do, please feel free to fish somewhere else than in my presence.
Thanks for the clarification guys. I recently heard the term 'flossing' and I wasn't clear on what it was. I was up there a week ago and I know what you mean by standing over them. Pretty cool.
alm21 said:
When rigging this way, do you use an egg loop and run the yarn through it? This is called Flossing, right?

When I am tying up a new leader rig, I will start with an egg loop knot to stick my yarn in, that way if I want to switch colors its pretty easy. But, when I get snagged and lose a hook, instead of cutting off my leader at the swivel to re-tie an egg loop knot, I just tie a clinch not and stick some yarn in one of those loops. You lose the ability to switch colors, but it seems to get me back in the water faster.
the other day i had a fish stratght up inhaled my hallow core!!! and then got pee=peed and spit it... anyone know why a fish would hit my led??
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youngbuck307 said:
the other day i had a fish stratght up inhaled my hallow core!!! and then got pissed and spit it... anyone know why a fish would hit my led??

There coho dude, dumb as a ^&%#$@! rock coho:lol:.
:lol: You saw it?

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