Recent content by nikita_pdx

  1. nikita_pdx

    Trout 2022 show OFF

    Best ultralight setup I’ve ever used: Daiwa Kage ultralight 5’6”, and the new Daiwa Luvias Airity.
  2. nikita_pdx

    What are the good and bad things about living in Oregon?

    Fishing is great-all sorts of options for salmonids, warm water species, sturgeon, you name it. It makes for a good variety. However, if you don't like strange people, wet weather, politics, or all three, I do not recommend moving over.
  3. nikita_pdx

    Crawfish where

    Sauvie Island is teeming with crayfish, people would chuck in a trap for 10 minutes and pull out a few for sturgeon bait on the Gilbert River. If not that, Barney Reservoir west of Henry Hagg has tons of crayfish, plus bullfrogs if you're into that. I recently started fishing there, not too bad.
  4. nikita_pdx

    Mussels and Gooseneck Barnacle this weekend?

    Fishing rock south of Gleneden Beach. You can park in the neighborhood and walk down trails to rocks. Very safe, and lots of urchins and mussels to harvest. FYI some climbing of rocks will be required.
  5. nikita_pdx

    Lakes Prineville Reservoir Fishing Reports

    Any new information on Prineville? How is the bass and crappie fishing?
  6. nikita_pdx

    Beautiful brook trout

    Did some off-roading then went full Rambo and bushwhacked to a tiny creek for a mile. There I caught 6 little brook trout. Nice specimens.
  7. nikita_pdx

    New to Portland area, could use some advice

    Fly fishing for wild trout, spinners or power bait for stock.
  8. nikita_pdx

    Сasting for surf perch from shore, need a complete gear setup

    Okuma Rockaway Surf Rods-great for price. I have a M 12' Spinning, and ML 11' Spinning. M 12' I use when weather is gross and heavier weight is needed, ML 11' for the better weather. I used to pair them w/ 5000 Penn Battle II's and 20lb Powerpro (maxcuatro). I recently upgraded one of the...
  9. nikita_pdx

    Reel recommendations - Shimano Spirex

    Upgrade to a new generation reel, Daiwa or Shimano. I aggree with snopro the Nasci, or even the new Ultegra FC would be a nice upgrade.
  10. nikita_pdx

    Mussel questions?

    You can very well grill them, but its rather pointless. Once they pop and you season them, you'll be eating them and telling yourself you should've cooked them with wine-herbs-garlic.
  11. nikita_pdx

    Can we talk about the highway speed limit a bit?

    Generally people book it at 65-70 in a 55-60 limit, sometimes more, it’s normal. But there there is nothing reasonable for anything over 75.
  12. nikita_pdx


    Been eyeballing this area for a while and finnally went for a trip. Very slow, with little bites to show for, but the ones that bit were committed. Hooked into the first sturgeon as the clouds were rolling out. It was a fun fight, about 10-15 min, and it was a wonderful specimen. Approx 6...
  13. nikita_pdx

    Fresh water fishing near Bandon

    Tahkenitch and Siltcoos not far North
  14. nikita_pdx

    Surf perch line shy?

    Just add leader, 20-25lb Seaguar. Personally, I like hi vis yellow to see exactly where my rig is in the surf.
  15. nikita_pdx

    Reel specs for steelhead from the bank

    If you want fast retrieve in order to make more casts, or retrieve certain lures, anything above 6.1:1 is high speed for spinning reels. If that doesn't concern you, there isn't any need to mind the numbers. The more the bearings, generally the smoother the operation. It all depends on...
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