Your take on this

Agreed. Drag was wrench tight, played it all wrong. He deserved to get his azz kicked.
he needs to give some of those vews to me LOL
Guy is a retard and so are his videos
didn't see the girl, could hear her screamin through the whole vid! what a tool..

I seen a lot of his videos and he ruins the action with his girlish screeming. After his rod breaks cuz he set it down on the bow, he uses his arm to hold up the rod and proceeds to rest his arm on it. He very well could have severely injured himself. What a Dumb@$$.
I've seen this video before and I was wondering if this guy is a professional? I ask because it seemed to me that he appears to be some sort of fishing authority, but his actions and method of fighting fish was abysmally lacking the skill I would expect from a pro.
ChezJfrey said:
I've seen this video before and I was wondering if this guy is a professional? I ask because it seemed to me that he appears to be some sort of fishing authority, but his actions and method of fighting fish was abysmally lacking the skill I would expect from a pro.

hes kindof a pro and a guide and has a TV show........LOL
Key words.. Kind of..LMAO
My observations are about the same as everyone else's. First, the guy had no idea of how to hold a rod when hooked to a decent sized fish, or how to "tuna pump" the beast in. The drag seemed way to tight, he would have been better off lightening up a bit there. No wonder the rod broke, you could see THAT coming a mile away. This is one reason why they invented fighting belts...they can save a lot of grief and some sore parts around the mid section.

600 lbs? I think not. We never really got a good clear all encompassing view of the grouper, but I don't think it was anywhere near 600 lbs. I have caught a 200 lb. fish and seen, close up 300 pounders and this one was no where near that weight I don't believe. From what I saw, I would guess about 100 lbs - maybe 150. Certainly a decent fish and those FL groupers make excellent eating, but if I fought a fish that stupidly, I sure as hell wouldn't post it for public viewing and/or ridicule.

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