Yachats surf fishing 12/30

For my last fishing trip of the year I headed down south to Yachats. I hadn't done very much fishing that far south and wanted to see how it compared to the beaches I had fished farther north. I hit a beach just north of the town and fished for a few hours in the early afternoon incoming tide with my usual tactics and only managed to score one. However, it was a pretty big one so I figured that it was worth the trip. Since I don't fish the south coast that much, I couldn't really tell why it wasn't an unusually successful day. Maybe it has to do with the time of year (?) although I don't know how much surfperch are affected by the change of seasons. It also might have been because of my tackle being too light to deal with the strong surf conditions, or maybe because of the seal I saw swimming around in the surf. I don't really know. However, it was still a successful trip and a great way to end the year!

Nice one to finish the year with. We used to go to Yachats quite a bit and I'd fish from the rocks around town and south on Cape Perpetua before the marine reserve was established. The rocky shore had some pretty good sized striped perch as well as the pink fins in the sandy places. Lincoln County is usually called the Central OregonCoast and not "South" , though. I guess it's a matter of perspective.

We have always considered Newport to Reedsport or perhaps Lakeside to be the Central Coast...
was planning to head to the coast today, but man, 30 mph winds. yowza!
Just wondering...is mustard also, good no perch? :hi:

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