Willamette question

I just have to post this, if only for my own information...there has been little to no rain here over the past two days, but the Willamette continues to rise, heading to a predicted 17' tomorrow. Can any one tell me the reason for this? Is it snowmelt, dam regulation or what? Any information will help me sleep better for knowing. Thanks,
Valley seemed to get quite a bit of rain around my neck of the woods the last few days. So with a rain water surge, and the impending/current snow melt, its time to dump. Foster dam hasn't quit dumping in a month.
for some reason green peter has been dropping a ft a day for a week, but detroit seems to be rising slowly. today was the first dry day though
By august they might quit letting out water...the willamette in town is higher than I've seen it in a long time. Was walking the bike path and it gets close in a few places...that didn't stop some guy from trying to fish down near beltline though...no clue what he was fishing for in the rapid surge of chocolate milk, but it was a four foot skinny little rod.
I always hunt elsewhere lol. Something just doesn't seem right about fishing in town ya know? This summer I said I'd do it...because the jeep is a gas guzzling beast...but I'd much prefer the santiams or umpqua. Although, can't lie, there's something nice about my house being a mile from the takeout.
for some reason green peter has been dropping a ft a day for a week, but detroit seems to be rising slowly. today was the first dry day though
The reason for this is most of the Dams in the valley are having problems with the trunnion arms that lift the spill gates open. Most in the valley are old and need to be replaced. Detroit and Big cliff were the first two repaired so they are at normal flow, while almost all the other Willamette trib dams except Foster need to have MAYJOR repaires.
Because of this the Corp can't keep the reservoirs full for fear of the the trunnion arms breaking when they try to open the emergency spill ways, which would result in the water flowing over the top of the dam, and thats bad when its an earth fill dam.
For those of you that like to springer fish on the cement slab below Dexter Dam I got bad news for you, its been totaly washed out. Because of this trunnion arm thing they opened gate 7 at 14,000+ cfs this winter and it blew the slab away. Gone. Whats worse is the Corps current project manager doesn't plan on replacing it.
Its ok eamon if the river doesn't drop by mid week we might have to start looking at other rivers nearby that wont break the wallet in gas lol but we will fish this week!
It's just a snagging platform so I for one won't lose any sleep over it's loss. I think it's a good thing. That crowd sucks...

The reason for this is most of the Dams in the valley are having problems with the trunnion arms that lift the spill gates open. Most in the valley are old and need to be replaced. Detroit and Big cliff were the first two repaired so they are at normal flow, while almost all the other Willamette trib dams except Foster need to have MAYJOR repaires.
Because of this the Corp can't keep the reservoirs full for fear of the the trunnion arms breaking when they try to open the emergency spill ways, which would result in the water flowing over the top of the dam, and thats bad when its an earth fill dam.
For those of you that like to springer fish on the cement slab below Dexter Dam I got bad news for you, its been totaly washed out. Because of this trunnion arm thing they opened gate 7 at 14,000+ cfs this winter and it blew the slab away. Gone. Whats worse is the Corps current project manager doesn't plan on replacing it.
my dad was the one who built it originally for disabled fisherman and to keep that side of the bank from washing out. I remember some of the old timers that aren't with use anymore that loved throwing a bobber with eggs out, grabbed their beer or coffee and started bullshitting with everyone else fishing there. A little piece of my childhood history.
For those of you that like to springer fish on the cement slab below Dexter Dam I got bad news for you, its been totaly washed out. Because of this trunnion arm thing they opened gate 7 at 14,000+ cfs this winter and it blew the slab away. Gone. Whats worse is the Corps current project manager doesn't plan on replacing it.

Im glad he doesn't plan on replacing it. maybe he see's whats happenin to that place.
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