Where to fish around Sunriver

Wants To Fish

I was wondering if you guys would help me out.... i'm heading down to Sunriver, OR this weekend for a family getaway.

Need to find a few cool place to fish for anything, bigger the better! Would like to take a crack at some salmon, but would settle for trout or bass!

Thanks and have a great day!
You wont get salmon in central oregon, sorry. However, we do have trout the size of salmon! haha Do you catch and release or keep your fish?
salmon size trout would be great too! We like to catch fish that would give a little fight! I do both... it all depends on the location and its restrictions.
Alright, I hate seeing our trophy trout gutted, but by all means fry up those stocker rainbows, but please realease anything over 16 inches they're crucial to the gene pool! You fly fish, spin fish, or bait?
I spin-fish and i usually throw back anything larger than 16in. because been told that they dont taste as good as the smaller ones (not sure if that's true or not... but its been told to me more times enough). I just take picture of the trophys just so i can say i caught it!
Good! you got a boat or shore bound? Sorry, each question narrows down where to send you, we have a couple hundred options within 45 minutes of sunriver.
lol... its ok, we'll probably do shore. But we have tubes and waders if necessary!

btw... thanks for your help!
No problem! If you want to stay really close in hit the Deschutes right there in Sunriver. Fish full size rapalas for Big browns! Spinners will work too but these fish are after a real meal, water is still cold so make it worth their while. The brown trout fishing on Wikiup is great right now too where the deschutes flows, across from Twin lakes. Both of the twin lakes will give you action for rainbows. Crane prairie is great but you'll want a boat and fish the channels (it's a Long kick in a tube! haha) The best "All-Around" lure you can use on any lake in Central Oregon is a salmon fly rooster tail, brown body, brown hackle, copper blade. There's some other places but sorry I don't know you that well! ;) haha
It might be a ruff weekend to try and fish the Sun River area. The Deschutes River above Benham Falls does not open until May 22nd. That's the same opening date for the Fall River and the Little Deschutes. Some of the lakes are open year round but not Crane Praire, Wickiup, and a few others. Your best bet is to get your hands on the 2010 Oregon fishing regulations and double check before you hit the water. There have been a few changes made in that area. Check out the snow situation as some of those lakes that are open may have a bit of snow still around with all these late winter storms we have been having. The best fishing in Central Oregon has been the Crooked River but if you are looking for salmon size trout that's not going to happen on the Crooked and it's not that close to Sun River. I wish I had a better out look for you. ;)
thanks for all the suggestions... i'll look into more of those when i talk it over with the family!
Everything is closed up there right now except a few places. I would not listen to Basser@Heart or you will end your trip with all of your gear being taken and some hefty fines. :lol: Maybe he did not see you are going there this weekend. Most of the lakes open the end of this month if I remember right and the deschutes in sunriver opens the end of May. Crescent is open year round but you need a boat for it. Good luck up there.
Here are the regulations for the Central area. Save yourself some heartburn. If you try fishing for brown trout on the Deschutes at Sunriver (Opens May 22) or between Wickiup and Crane Pairarie (Opens May 22) you could be in a wee bit of trouble. Steelhead_Stalkers is dead bang right about those fisheries being closed! Crane Pairarie and Wickiup Reserviours don't open until April 24th. Just trying to lookout for you!;)
Woa!!! Sorry about that!! Yea I didn't mean to mislead you there. :( sorry I'm never back over there till June.
That's ok we had you covered. You must have been thinking about those big fat rainbow in the pictures you posted a little while ago! Them were some big fish!;)
Thanks for having my back! I was sitting in class day dreaming of summer... Haha
Its some of my favorite fishing up there in central Oregon so if it was open now I would be there! :lol: Only a few weeks left and the lakes will be ready!
The Fall River above the falls is open for fly fishing. Good place to mess around and do some sight fishing. 10-15 min from Sun River.
i have a question for you guys. i have a friend that owns a house on the river and his neighbor told me you dont have to have a fishing license if you are fishing off of your dock. i told them that i think you have to have a license period unless your native American and they swore up and down that it was true. i just want to know before he gets in trouble.
If your friend actually resides there he is correct. No license is required for him or his immediate family.

This information is right out of the Oregon fishing regulations page three.

"All persons 14 years or older must have must have in their possession a valid Oregon angling license to angle for or take, or assisit another in angling for or, taking of any fish for personal use, Except......

Oregon resident land owners and members of their immediate family may angle for fish on land they own and reside upon."

So if you own land and reside upon it no license is required. There is a similar exemption for hunting however hunting tags are require.

So the thing to do is find someone with a lot of land with a good river that it ajoins and get adopted by the owner!;)

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