I was checking out some guide sites looking in on the bite and how people have been doing and ran into this bit on some changes that "might" be comming soon to the sturgeon regs....News flash - I am hearing through the grapevine that the Willamette river keeper sturgeon season in 2010 will be greatly restricted from years past. I am also hearing that it (the Willamette only) most likely will close by the end of March if it even makes it that long. I am also hearing that a spawning sanctuary will be established from the 205 bridge to the falls during the May to Aug time frame. The changes which will be announced Feb 18 will involve as much as a 55% reduction in fish available for harvest on both the Columbia and Willamette. The season will remain on a three day a week harvest format thurs - sat of each week until the Feb meeting, after that it may drop to a two day a week deal with the Willamette going 100% catch and release mid to late March. Other changes could include annual limit reductions and some area closures for all sturgeon fishing. Based on the source of this info I believe it will happen this way. I should also clarify that you most likely will be able to keep sturgeon in the Columbia after the cap is reached on the Willamette. Which is great since all the fish are in the Willamette anyway. ..............LOOKS to be some changes comming anyone know if any of this true ?????