Water pan?

So the new smoker i have is a gas one(used to use a littlechief) and it has a water pan for steaming. Just had an idea. Can you add flavored water and have it add to te flavor of the meat or is it a waste of time. Like if i mixed in some sugars and spices to the water would it affect my meat or would the water evaporate and leave me a goey mess?
Pretty sure it'd just leave you a gooey mess that isn't going to add anything to the meat smoking. The solid molecules of whatever you put in there, aren't gonna evaporate.
Jeanna is correct. Unless that water is boiling hot and under vacuum pressure you will have a gooey mess.
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Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.cool thanks guys. so what about using flavored water like the fitness water that taste like a fruit?
Lol yuck? I don't know about you but I don't think I'd like my smoked meat to taste like fruity fitness water :)
All depends on what you are smoking, but when cooking pork, I use apple juice in the water pan. Conider adding white wine to the pan for smoking salmon. Why not, right? I mean, the wine peeps always say white wine goes good with salmon. I am going to experiment with a dark roast coffee while smoking a beef brisket.

If you really want to flavor the meat you are smoking, the rub/brine ingredients will be the most influential.

Good luck.
Cool thanks just trying to figure out tricks to the new smoker.
Thuggin4Life said:
Cool thanks just trying to figure out tricks to the new smoker.

Hey do you use a wet or dry brine? if wet you should try a dry brine and see what you think. I've done both and like the dry better and you can baist with say teriyaki while smoking as well.

I always do a wet. want to try a dry on saalmon and steel but not for little trout since i leave the skin on and smoke the whole body. tryied the basting deal on some coho pepper/brownsugar/honey. added some flavor to it.
Thuggin4Life said:
So the new smoker i have is a gas one(used to use a littlechief) and it has a water pan for steaming. Just had an idea. Can you add flavored water and have it add to te flavor of the meat or is it a waste of time. Like if i mixed in some sugars and spices to the water would it affect my meat or would the water evaporate and leave me a goey mess?

They're crazy... Use APPLE jucie mixed with water. YUMMMMM just keep it more than 1/4 full
Yeah gonna try that for sure.


Thuggin4Life said:
Yeah gonna try that for sure.

A buddy of mine several years back used to swear by "feeding" his water tray in his gas smoker about a six pack of some Candian lager beer while smoking. And Yes, kept it about 1/4 full the whole time while smoking. He would always say it guzzled a beer or two an hour, and said it was his secret to keeping his meat flavorful and tender... I wonder how a dark thick smokey flavored Porter or Stout would go with fish? If you try with fish let me know how it turns out
So how did it turn out? What do you think of the NPM?
JeannaJigs said:
Pretty sure it'd just leave you a gooey mess that isn't going to add anything to the meat smoking. The solid molecules of whatever you put in there, aren't gonna evaporate.

+1 for gooey mess. Don't Ask Me How I Know.
If it turned to a gooey mess that's the sugar crystalizing. You have to check to make sure the fluid level stays the same, check it and refill when it gets low.
Yeah think staying on top of it will keep from it being messy. I ruined the batch by not knowing the smoker and having to big of chips. Chips din't smoke the same as I am used to and didn't know the smoker so i used to much heat. Ended up with dry meat and a hard time removing the skin. Also couldn't get the bones out like normal so I still have some because it doens't taste the same as normal and you have to eat the bones like a can of sardines. Not bad but deffinantly the worst batch of fish ever. And the NPM got garbage caned becaus it was way to boney but i bet when I get the smoker figured out one wouldn't be bad. might have been a mental thing because the meat didn't taste so good but then again neither does the trou either. TT you want some? Come get it. Got a sammy bag full.
If you really want to add flavor to the fish your smoking get some seasoning salts and sprinkle it on the fish and let it sit for a few hours before smoking. This lets the salts dissolve into the meat and the smoking locks it in!
So i have been smoking my fish for a few hours now thought i would share. I decided to try the apple juice in the water pan and so far so good. I brined them with about 2x as much brown sugar to salt and a few other spices with some other sauces out of the condiment shelf of the fridge. wet brined for about 36 hours then dried them with paper towels without rinsing. been adding chips every 1.5 hours and checking the water pan level so i don't crystalize the sugar in the apple juice. filled the water pan with an entire pitcher of juice made from concentrate. and this time I started out on the lowest setting and about 3 hours into it I bumped it up to halfway between low and med since it seem like the chips weren't burning quite as i like them to. Last time I ruined some fish by smoking on medium to medium high. I guess its just a learning process when you go from an electric little chief to a propane smoker. I'll post some pics when its one and let you guys know how it turns out.
Thuggin4Life said:
So i have been smoking my fish for a few hours now thought i would share. I decided to try the apple juice in the water pan and so far so good. I brined them with about 2x as much brown sugar to salt and a few other spices with some other sauces out of the condiment shelf of the fridge. wet brined for about 36 hours then dried them with paper towels without rinsing. been adding chips every 1.5 hours and checking the water pan level so i don't crystalize the sugar in the apple juice. filled the water pan with an entire pitcher of juice made from concentrate. and this time I started out on the lowest setting and about 3 hours into it I bumped it up to halfway between low and med since it seem like the chips weren't burning quite as i like them to. Last time I ruined some fish by smoking on medium to medium high. I guess its just a learning process when you go from an electric little chief to a propane smoker. I'll post some pics when its one and let you guys know how it turns out.

Good Luck! Should be the schitte .

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