uv proven to me


Well-known member
So for quite some time I have been listening to the uv angle and the guys who insist it produces better, well I saw it proven against my will. This last week at lake davis in california I watched the new dick nite with uv paint double the catch of the same copper and red no. 1 that did not have the uv treatment..... undeniable:shock: the two who used the uv for the same day in the same boat caught 52 rainbows...... no other pair in our group exeded 25........ now thats science
get hustlin'

get hustlin'

Well when I was twelve I would mow lawns for ten bucks apiece, so must be worth twenty now, two lawns could buy you about ten lures....... so schools out and the lawns are agrowin! or you could just get a rich girlfriend.... but I would rather deal with hayfever!!! ha! Im a riot! good luck fishin,
I dont fish for Pikeminnow this year?
I dunnno why?
I only gone out once and Dident go again?

What I can Do is catch carp and sell them.
$20 a carp.
8 Carp = $160 in my wallet.

enough to buy a new rod reel and some lures.
$20 carp ???

$20 carp ???

So, who pays $20 for a carp:think:?? I could get rich on the Yamhill River and in the sloughs on the Willamette:lol:
Well when I was twelve I would mow lawns for ten bucks apiece, so must be worth twenty now, two lawns could buy you about ten lures....... so schools out and the lawns are agrowin! or you could just get a rich girlfriend.... but I would rather deal with hayfever!!! ha! Im a riot! good luck fishin,

I too have fond memories of pushing a lawnmower around town. We always made out like bandits, but sadly, at least in my neck of the woods, nobody hires kids for that anymore. They can't compete with the adults who do it now.
A Guy told me he would fish on the willamette and whenever he caught a carp, Asains would be getting there wallets out.
well Im thinkin this might have been one of those happened one time in 1964 things that kinda made its self a little bigger than it is, I sell about 350000 lbs of fish to japan a year and they have never mentioned carp or even koi goldfish to me...... I think the only thing this guy sold was a fish story.... to you.

If you walk into a room and can't spot the sucker in 15 minutes..... its you-:think:
I didn't mean for that last post to come off as crappy sounding as it does, just guess I mean some guys like to run their mouth off to kids with sensless crap that isn't true. stick with the pike minnows, im thinkin of doin it myself for a little while.;)
I saw a guy at Blue lake that would catch carp and sell them. He caught 6 one day and made a lot of money. Thats what Im thinking of doing.
Selling fish you caught them is illegal unless you have a special permit and selling them to a company like a wholesale. If you manage to make 20 dollars selling fish, you'll get fined maybe x5 that you made. :naughty:
So mr Bassier, I can tell you this.. if you find someone who wants your fish, they can purchase the lures you want and under subsistance laws you can legally trade fish for lures, you just can't accept money and you probably shouldn't do this more than once with each individual. But the pikeminnow is a state sanctioned bounty, so its really the best fishing bet you have, plus, unless you really like cats they are a real b&*ch to work with, and cat people are scary, so im thinking more like 50 dollars a pic, just to make it worth it, and the rich girlfriend idea is sounding better by the minute!!! good luck my friend!!!
Its not that easy finding a Rich girlfriend in the summer. During the school year I can do that but in the summer no.
Anyways, Thats stupid depending on girls for your money.
Its not that easy finding a Rich girlfriend in the summer. During the school year I can do that but in the summer no.
Anyways, Thats stupid depending on girls for your money.

I think a good girlfriend should depend on you. :lol:

Technically, it is illegal to sell anything if you don't have a special permit (I dont know what kind), so next time you see a group of children selling lemonade, they are breaking a law! thing is, nobody cares cause it doesn't really matter that much, cause even police buy from them! :rolleyes::lol:
Speaking of that.
My friend made good profit by selling 5Gum at school. He buys them for like .99 each and sells for more, I can't remember. But in a week we made $26!
enough to buy trout stuff.
Lawnmowing sounds like an idea. Our senior neighbors pay $15 a pop for their 1 hour yard job. Neighbors, relatives, your friends parents, your parents friends, are some of your potential employers. Mowing skills are easily learned, just watch out for yard muffins.
Speaking of that.
My friend made good profit by selling 5Gum at school. He buys them for like .99 each and sells for more, I can't remember. But in a week we made $26!
enough to buy trout stuff.

That's illegal too! :rolleyes:;)
How'd this thread go from UV to girlfriends to selling random stuff? :lol:
IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! :mad: :lol: :lol:
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