Under the bridge

hey all, so i went under the bridge last night between meldrum bar and clackamette park on the meldrum side
didn't get anything, didn't see anything, didn't get tugged by anything : (
does anyone have anything to report on the clackamas or is all the action on the sandy and ill just have to resort to flossin them like all the douschbags out there?
really want a fish and before your reports come back with "hike around" or "put in your time" or "go explore" ive done all that, im just hoping someone will be nice enough to at least post that theyve had success on the clack, where at would be greatly appreciated to although just to hear someone pulled something out would be nice.
what you used would be very very appreciated, not that im onna copy exactly but if im using the wrong stuff then ima switch it up obviously
thanks all
I got one yesterday just below the mouth of Eagle Creek on a spinner, and talked to a guy who has been doin alright on eggs the last few weeks. There wasn't a lot in there but the only place I've seen coho all year
callaway u are fishing too low this time of year, you should check out higher on the river like barton park and i bet you will at least see more moving fish. I have caught a couple on the clack and am not going to give out my spots but the higher u go the more fish you will run into. By high i mean fish under eagle creek, as this is where the majority of fish will be. The hatchery on eagle creek is the only one on the clack that has a coho program so the fish are trying to get back into the creek.
thanks you two, thats what i was thinking very heavily when i was out there is that i was waaaaay too low, talked to the fishing bud and it looks lke were actually gonna go up towards mciver area and hit it up on a tip we got from outside sources.
dont trip out about tossin out your spots i wasn't looking for you to or hopping you would just wanted to hear that there was some success at least on the clack.
thanks guys goin fishin shoppin today actually.
sorry forgot to mention the only real reason i was fishing there was proximity to my house and time of day heading out there, spent that whole morning at faraday lake and caught one tiny trout
good luck and tigh lines fellers
see u got to learn this stuff about your rivers if you want to be succesful. I gonna break it down for you and give you a heads up, okay mciver park is a good place to fish for species that the "clackamas river hatchery" produces : winter steel, summer steel, spring chinook. "Eagle Creek Hatchery" does:winter steel, spring chinook, and coho. So if you want to find a coho your best bet is going to be to fish below eagle creek on the clackamas or actually in eagle creek. The creek is below mciver park by at least 5 miles im guessing. So the salmons natural instinct tells them to return to their stream of spawnage and the coho return to eagle creek. Only strays, and natives travel beyond eagle creek and threw mciver park which is a small portion compared to the hatchery fish that are returning to eagle creek. maybe this information is wrong and im sure i will be corrected and i hope it helps you better target your species and saves you some fishing time between catches.
so about half mile above 205 on gladstone side i got two native coho on corky and worms bout a week ago. ive found getting away from the other people fishing ( or flossin) ive had more action
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