Tying jigs?

So I've been fishing with jigs for yearsssss, and for me it's the most effective method I've come across in the slaying of steelhead. I've been buying them...and...well..I want to learn to make my own, not so much for cost reasons, but because..why not? I want to catch fish on something that I made, that would be awesome.

However, I am completely clueless. 100%.

Any info, so very much appreciated.
well i think i can help you there i do own a jig copany but i also sell al the tying materals and jig heads in many sizes and coler from black to orange pearl pink pearl raspbery cerise al the good stuffbeads hoks what eve you need or if you just want some info on the tools you need what materals you will need to ty you favrite paterns shoot me and email or give me a call al the heads and some of the tying materals are on the web site but there is a lot of stuff i have not put up there so if you nead somthing you dont se there let me knowi mey have it or i can order it i hope i can help you if you are in the portland area i can set up a class if you want a good head start on learing to ty can show you how to work with the mateals tht is half of the batle let me know if i can help thanks dan
I will check out your site! I know absolutely nothing lol. I live in Eugene...100 miles south :( I pick up stuff pretty quick, and I think I could do it pretty easily, I just need to see it I think. I have no idea what I need...but I have a vision of what I want the end product to be lol. cerise, black, white, chartreuse, and orange are definitely some colors i'd like to get my hands on
well i have al those colers what i woud do if i where you is to start buy trying to ty some of the jigs you fish with from the store them one you get them down then start to try and make your own paterns stuff like that if you need some help figuring out what materal are use to ty the jigs you want let meknow i should be able to pont you in the rite direshoin and if you want to place an order for a starter kit let me know i will hook you up thanks Dan
and ps there is nothing like hooking a fish on a jig you tyed
Jenna, do you have or have access to a fly tying vice? I'm working on a tutorial about the equipment needed to tie flies and jigs. I spoke to BobberDown recently and he mentioned something about doing a tut for jig tying.

One way or another we'll get pertinent info here on the forum to help you to get jiggy wit it
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FishFinger said:
Jenna, do you have or have access to a fly tying vice? I'm working on a tutorial about the equipment needed to tie flies and jigs. I spoke to BobberDown recently and he mentioned something about doing a tut for jig tying.

One way or another we'll get pertinent info here on the forum to help you to get jiggy wit it

I'm holding my breath waiting for your tutorials. I'm blue already! Any idea on the release date? The creative side of my brain is whining and sniveling and slobbering and...just making a mess in general. :confused:
We are so blessed to have a bunch of very creative members willing to share their knowledge,it is mind boggling to think of you and others like Bobberdown and who knows who else. Thank you,one and all who are willing to share! :clap: Be safe.
I just got back from central Oregon yesterday afternoon, with a little luck I should have the equipment aspect ready to post by tonight.
Awesome! :clap: Can't wait. But I will.:dance: :D Be safe.
FishFinger said:
Jenna, do you have or have access to a fly tying vice? I'm working on a tutorial about the equipment needed to tie flies and jigs. I spoke to BobberDown recently and he mentioned something about doing a tut for jig tying.

One way or another we'll get pertinent info here on the forum to help you to get jiggy wit it

I do not have a vice. Any reccomendations? I know that this is probably the most important piece of equipment involved. A tutorial would be awesome, I was speaking with a guy at the fly shop here, and he wasn't really helpful he couldn't answer my questions...he would start to answer and then go off on a tangent...I think he suffered from the A.D.D...couldn't stay on track no matter how hard I tried to get him back to the questions I had...He kept trying to tell me I should just focus on flies and buy a $150 fly rod...After I mentioned 100 times that while learning to tie flies relates to jigs...I don't fly fish.

I just want to kill some fish with my own jigs :)
JeannaJigs said:
I do not have a vice. Any reccomendations? I know that this is probably the most important piece of equipment involved. A tutorial would be awesome, I was speaking with a guy at the fly shop here, and he wasn't really helpful he couldn't answer my questions...he would start to answer and then go off on a tangent...I think he suffered from the A.D.D...couldn't stay on track no matter how hard I tried to get him back to the questions I had...He kept trying to tell me I should just focus on flies and buy a $150 fly rod...After I mentioned 100 times that while learning to tie flies relates to jigs...I don't fly fish.

I just want to kill some fish with my own jigs :)

I used to tied my own flies for many years but sold all my stuff several years ago. But I believe I may still have a vice around here. I will do some digging and if I find it you can have it. I will get back to you.
mikeredding said:
I used to tied my own flies for many years but sold all my stuff several years ago. But I believe I may still have a vice around here. I will do some digging and if I find it you can have it. I will get back to you.
That would be awesome! let me know if you find it. If not I'm going to try to get one in the next couple weeks
Once you get started dont forget to show us some! Once I get down the basic of jig/drift fishing i'll give it a shot as well.
In 1989 i met a man from Soquel, CA who designed & built his own jigs. He had been fishin' from his bassboat & just caught a 66lb +oz Striped Bass wih 1 of his jigs....................:D

This was by Santa Nella, CA on the San Luis Reservoir Forebay. At the time she was the inland freshwater record. Later i heard a rumor the man was given 10k fer catching the fish.

I would have liked seeing the Bass released alive but it wasn't my decision.
No matter how crude they end up, I will post them like a 5 year old proud of a watercolor painting that resembles absolutely nothing :D

Hopefully I can create something that is perdy and effective.
I was not able to find the vise. Sorry:( I really thought I still had one around here. I am still not convinced that I don't but will probably never find it if I do!:shock:
mikeredding said:
I was not able to find the vise. Sorry:( I really thought I still had one around here. I am still not convinced that I don't but will probably never find it if I do!:shock:
That's it, you're fired.

I'm going to check out caddis fly after work today i think...Or I might just scour the internet...It's a real slow day in the office, no doctors here...so....I'm getting paid to answer phones...and that's about it...real quiet. Kinda nice, I could get used to this lol.
there are a lot of vise to chose from you don’t need something top of the line but you do need a vise with strong jaws that will hold a big hook like a #1 or a 1/0 and you will want to make sure it has a good rotating head so you can turn your jig as you tie it I use a nor vise but it is a bit spendy it is the vise I have found I know a lot of people like the regal vise they are like 100 to 150 they are a good med line vise in the cost department but there are a lot of really descent vise for 30 to 60 it is worth the money jigs are bigger than most flies so the vise needs to have a strong base and stand the stand is the rod that goes from the base to the head of the vise .

So here is the tool I recommend and my prices on them these tool are the best for what I do I think so there what I use so here it goes
Scissors terra 4" razor shears these are one of your most important tools not a place to go cheep and not bad at 15.65 retail is19.65
Terra extended reach whip finisher 5.99 retail is 7.99
Griffin standard bobbin 8.05 retail is 10.05
eye brow brush from target or where ever they sell make up the one you want has a hard plastic side like a com and the other side like a tooth brush this little tool is perfect for brushing out your jig and make in al the feathers lay right or what ever material you are tying with should be about 2.00 thought 10.00 must have
Thompson pro vise 42.50 it has a rating head strong jaws I have a friend that has it and he likes it
Or there is the terra rotary vise at 49.50 it looks like a nice vise and I know one woman that love it for tying steelhead flies

if I was going to buy a vise other than a nor vise my self this HMH Pedestal spinning tube vise is the one I would buy it looks and works a lot like the nor vise I use but at 105.75 it is about 220 bucks cheaper but still super strong and spins good but any of these vise are a good choice depending on what you want to spend to get started I would rather spend 100 bucks once than 40 than a year or so later finding out I want the 100 duller vise and being stuck with an old vise I never use that is just my take on it
The prices are what I can get these tools for they are about as cheep as you can find
any where for good professional grade tools I would start with the good stuff because yawl only end up buying them al twice if you start with cheeped tools or that is what I did anyways I put together some starter kits with little bit of each color of al the different materials like marabou or schlappen and hackle fathers and rabbit strips stuff like that let me know if you would like something like that or if anyone else would I hop some of this is helpful information Thanks Dan
oh that vse on ebay looks good as long a it has a rotateing head yo realy will want one if you are ging to tie any pamerd schlappen or arrabou jigs good luck let me know if i can help
I might just bid on that little fella.... I really need a second vise I can set up in a fabricated photo booth. It's a pain in the rump trying to build and photo in the same 2 sqft area. Be way easier to tie a fly to a point and transfer it to the photo vise.....

I think I have talked myself into it....
Thanks Dan, I think I'll be getting some stuff from your site come pay day :) Not sure just what yet, but I'm a browsing :)
cool ill try to load some more stuff up to the site to night thanks dan

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