The Sandy River

Hello, I am new to this forum and can tell that I am going to love it! I grew up in this area but left for eight years and joined the Air Force and have recently returned from duty four years ago. I have really wanted to get back into fishing for Salmon and Steelhead and have been out a few times with no success. I know information is sometimes hard to give out but I promise not to take it lightly. I use to do real well on the Sandy River when I was younger but since I have returned from the military my luck has changed. I was wondering what the best time is to get after the Coho? I was just down at Oxbow today and saw a few moving up but not much. The water seemed murky to me and I was wondering if spinners like the Blue Fox still work. I use to do well with that set up as a kid but I have been out of the game for over ten years now and am a bit rusty on where the holes are, etc. I enjoy fishing and am starting to hear it from the wife when I come home empty handed. Any info would be great but I just really wanted to introduce myself to the group. Good luck to all! DB.
You sound like me a few years back, getting out of the USAF, after 11 in my case, and being back home wanting to fish.

Blue Fox still work, I got a chinook at Oxbow last weekend on one, and a steelhead about an hour later on a R&B. I haven't had any luck with Coho though. Last year I would watch them swim by, but never take my offerings. I'll be back at it tomorrow, this time with eggs from the nook I caught.

I don't think your luck has changed, you are just forgetting the skunk and romanticizing about "the good o'l days" :)
Welcome to the forum, and thank you for your services.
welcome home!!! and i know you are going to like this forum!!!"the best" welcome to OFF!!!
Thanks all for your comments! I will do my best this year...I have a big Elk hunt coming up in Hell's Canyon and prior to the hunt we always do some fishing on the Snake so if I don't get one at Oxbow or the Clackamas in between now and then maybe I can bank one there! Also, for those who know Oxbow, I noticed the sign about the Spawing season and how there is no fishing from Sept. 15th till Nov. Is that just in designated areas or that whole section of the river? Thanks again! DB.
I was there today and the guy next to me landed a 12 lb 30inch coho there.
Believe he was using a Black rooster tail with crome spinner.

Ill be back out there tomorro. Going to start closer to the mouth and move up stream through out the day..
That is my plan for Monday through Thursday of next week! I am going to work 'em hard for a week straight...DB.
Dbaum said:
That is my plan for Monday through Thursday of next week! I am going to work 'em hard for a week straight...DB.

Im going back out there tomorro or tuesday if ya want to meet up?
Where are you headed tomorrow? I was going to go out to Oxbow and walk up river a bit. It is 2 minutes from my house. On Tuesday I am meeting some people at CC I think..I am down for whatever...just want to land something..DB.
Dbaum said:
Where are you headed tomorrow? I was going to go out to Oxbow and walk up river a bit. It is 2 minutes from my house. On Tuesday I am meeting some people at CC I think..I am down for whatever...just want to land something..DB.

Let me see if I have some change for there and ill get back to ya.
But was thinking of going to Oxbow.
How do you get to CC never been up there.
GMR check your messages...DB.
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