"The Loop"

Does anyone know of some areas to put in and take out my pontoon when floating "The Loop" around Big K ranch? I fished this earlier in the summer with great success, but had problems trying to find good places for launching.
Million dollar question..

Million dollar question..

SmallieWorld said:
Does anyone know of some areas to put in and take out my pontoon when floating "The Loop" around Big K ranch? I fished this earlier in the summer with great success, but had problems trying to find good places for launching.

That is a million dollar question, if you find a way please let me know. I caught my 50# Chinook on that stretch of river...and the Smallies are unbelievable through that section. Can you imagine the fight of a Salmon like that in your toon...:shock: :shock: :dance:

If you can carry or roll your 'toon, I believe putting in near Kellog, just off the highway is a real good spot, it does get a little fast at times putting in up there, but it is not a real dangerous stretch by any means...It is right before you get to Farm Yard Airfield heading towards the coast on 138. Or just heading into Kellog, and finding a safe spot to park is always an option, as the river runs right through town. I recommend you park your take out rig on one of the small roads that follows the Umpqua, and get out before the section of water that runs under the 138 bridge a few miles before Elkton, as it gets rael scary if I remember correctly...If you have Google Earth, which I don't right now, or I'd be able to tell you, but check out the roads that run with the river, and decide which one seems good enough, as you can make it a 3 hour float, or an all day riot depending on river levels, and distance you float. And it goes right by that Big K Ranch, and they give you funny looks when you dump anchor and fish the middle of that river bend in front of their property. Bass city there. If you are into murdering the bass that are voraciously eating our Salmon, and Steelhead smolt, then bring a fly rod, and you will catch as many as you can handle! Not even a fly rod, just a few bass flies, and light spinning gear will do it. The Loop is one of those places where I wish those guys didn't try to raise the numbers of introduced predatory fish, but it turned it into an incredible bass fishery if that is your bag. Which it probably is judging from the name and all!;) Great float, one of my absolute favorites, and the sea run muscle fish on a pontoon is a kick right in your pants Troutski! What a rush. Good luck on your adventure Smallie, and remember the flies!
Thanks you......very much.

Thanks you......very much.

ArcticAmoeba said:
If you can carry or roll your 'toon, I believe putting in near Kellog, just off the highway is a real good spot, it does get a little fast at times putting in up there, but it is not a real dangerous stretch by any means...It is right before you get to Farm Yard Airfield heading towards the coast on 138. Or just heading into Kellog, and finding a safe spot to park is always an option, as the river runs right through town. I recommend you park your take out rig on one of the small roads that follows the Umpqua, and get out before the section of water that runs under the 138 bridge a few miles before Elkton, as it gets rael scary if I remember correctly...If you have Google Earth, which I don't right now, or I'd be able to tell you, but check out the roads that run with the river, and decide which one seems good enough, as you can make it a 3 hour float, or an all day riot depending on river levels, and distance you float. And it goes right by that Big K Ranch, and they give you funny looks when you dump anchor and fish the middle of that river bend in front of their property. Bass city there. If you are into murdering the bass that are voraciously eating our Salmon, and Steelhead smolt, then bring a fly rod, and you will catch as many as you can handle! Not even a fly rod, just a few bass flies, and light spinning gear will do it. The Loop is one of those places where I wish those guys didn't try to raise the numbers of introduced predatory fish, but it turned it into an incredible bass fishery if that is your bag. Which it probably is judging from the name and all!;) Great float, one of my absolute favorites, and the sea run muscle fish on a pontoon is a kick right in your pants Troutski! What a rush. Good luck on your adventure Smallie, and remember the flies!

I know now where my next Umpqua float will be....I know the area and from what I just went through on the lower section I can handle this. Again thanks - so where do I send the Million Dollars ? Tight lines.

Troutski said:
I know now where my next Umpqua float will be....I know the area and from what I just went through on the lower section I can handle this. Again thanks - so where do I send the Million Dollars ? Tight lines.


And to think you almost sold your boat :lol::lol::lol: We all knew you would be back bwahaha :dance:
I am not worthy.....

I am not worthy.....

GraphiteZen said:
And to think you almost sold your boat :lol::lol::lol: We all knew you would be back bwahaha :dance:

I feel so ........ well, what can I say.:redface::think:

That section, that runs through "The Loop" is a really mellow float, and I'm glad to hear other members here have interest in, or already have floated it! The stretch of water that runs by Big K Ranch is good for everything, the salmon, are not as thick right now as they will be here in the next month or so, and I guess the steelhead are running thin too, but at leasat you guys can get yourself some bass righ now... Absolutely Chuck, if you drop in at Kellog, the float is wholly do-able almost year round. There are no real riffle sections unless you put in near the Airpark. Good luck on your floats gentlemen! And Chuck, where you sent those stickers, thats where the million dollars should go! Thanks again for sending me some of those, just got them yesterday.


ArcticAmoeba said:
That section, that runs through "The Loop" is a really mellow float, and I'm glad to hear other members here have interest in, or already have floated it! The stretch of water that runs by Big K Ranch is good for everything, the salmon, are not as thick right now as they will be here in the next month or so, and I guess the steelhead are running thin too, but at leasat you guys can get yourself some bass righ now... Absolutely Chuck, if you drop in at Kellog, the float is wholly do-able almost year round. There are no real riffle sections unless you put in near the Airpark. Good luck on your floats gentlemen! And Chuck, where you sent those stickers, thats where the million dollars should go! Thanks again for sending me some of those, just got them yesterday.

Your the first member I have heard back from on the stickers...I was beginning to worry. Enjoy them and I will do that float...most assuredly doing that float.

BLM road

BLM road

Thanks for the information so far; I found a BLM road that looks to have an access piont directly across from Big K's main launch. That will be a really good take out spot after putting in at Kellogg. If my memory serves me correctly, there is a long stretch after Big K's launch where the wind blows directly upstream and it is heck to get down the river. Right before the 138 bridge(south of Elkton) there are some quick shoots, but these are avoidable by staying to the right and maneuvering some minor ripples. Looks like I'm going to hit it on 8/21 or 22. Maybe some salmon will be making there way up by then.
There is a BLM access road. It is a good take out, but we just try to make a longer float is all...And the turn after Big K, does get a little windy, but we normally try to hug the port side of the river and that seems to be the ticket on the blow hard days. Does the faster section south of Elkton, but before the 138 brdge always have enough water flowin by to make it navigable to the right, away from the rapids, or does it change with flow levels? Good luck Smallie, and let us know if the Chinook are there in force at all, as I think it mught be just a hair early to start layin it to 'em, but for sure post a report about fishin, and put in/take out spots!
Whats "The Loop"? What river is it on?
It's in the thread.....

It's in the thread.....

FishSchooler said:
Whats "The Loop"? What river is it on?

Ahem....did you read the entire thread? :think: :shock: :D
Oopsytulips! :lol::lol: Ha ha get it?
Its the umpy river!
The Loop Floated well

The Loop Floated well

After we finally found a place to launch our pontoons (we used a logger road and luckily they left the gate unlocked for us that evening) the fishing was great all morning under the overcast sky. I was using a topwater Spit-n-Image by Excalibur; the fish were hitting it hard until the sun came out. I then switched to some Yam. twin tailed skirted grubs (rootbeer) on a flat jig head. First cast landed a nice smallie. The bite drastically slowed down in the afternoon, but GraphiteZen and I saw some huge smallies while on the float. There are a lot of big fish through there.
We pulled out under the 138 bridge; the shoots were pretty fun. We had to climb by use of rope, pull are toons/supplies up the steep incline via rope, then pull are things straight vertical 50ft up onto the bridge. Total, we moved our toons/supplies 5 times to get them into the truck. NOT AN IDEAL TAKE OUT SPOT. A heck of a float though.
It sounds like a great day, except for all of the portage work...thank you for the report.
18406ej said:
It sounds like a great day, except for all of the portage work...thank you for the report.

Yeah moving the supplies leaves a lot to be desired but totally worth it :D Especially when we see Big K Ranch guides and they kind of look at us like they are thinking "Were the heck did you come from ?!?!" :D:D
Worth it...

Worth it...

GraphiteZen said:
Yeah moving the supplies leaves a lot to be desired but totally worth it :D Especially when we see Big K Ranch guides and they kind of look at us like they are thinking "Were the heck did you come from ?!?!" :D:D

Right on, seeing the look on there faces would have made my day; but the portage....my oh my...I don't think I would go through that. I am happy you did it for my :confused: I will live vicariously through you...:)

GraphiteZen said:
Yeah moving the supplies leaves a lot to be desired but totally worth it :D Especially when we see Big K Ranch guides and they kind of look at us like they are thinking "Were the heck did you come from ?!?!" :D:D

AHHH...Yes! I try to float Kellog, to a logging road right after the straight, wind blower stretch. I like to target Chinook, and when I get one right in front of their property, boy do those guides give you the strangest looks...Kind of an anger/awe type. But tossing anchor, and wheelin and dealin the mid-sized footballs that come up frequently is a total rush. Need to do it again this year, as last year was wicked fun when I went.
The Loop

The Loop

I am planning a trip with a bunch of buddies down the Umpqua early summer.
Did anyone do the "LOOP" last summer? Where did you put in? Where did you take out? I google earthed the area and saw a few small rapids, but I believe we will be fine with our toons and drift boat. How about camping? Can you camp anywhere on that stretch of the river? We have drifted down by yellow creek and Osprey areas. Lots of bass and lots of fun. Thanks for any info. I am going to check out the calapooia creek area in the next few weeks if we ever get a warm spell. I will post more later.
Thanks again, Bender
If i were to float from 138 to 138 and do the whole loop, how long does that take?

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