The craziest way you have lost a rod or tackle!

alright i want to hear peoples crazy stories of fish ripping peoples rod in the water, or lost of fishing tackle in one way or the other......;)

Mine would have to be when i was slammed by a wave on a jettie in winchester and thrown into the ocean and lost 4 rods i was carying, even worse, one wasn't mine......

one time me and 2 friends went down a small crk in a 2 person canoe, fishing as we went. my friend snaged up by the bank so we paddled over and he leaned out and undid his snag while i casted......with the action of my cast i rolled the boat on all of us...we lost 2 rods and a bunch of tackle...thankfully the plastic tackle boxes float.......even the ones that were open in the boat and had nothing left in them. tobad we were in the deepest and largest hole in the crk:(
Blue Lake, up near HooDoo, has my very first rod n' reel.

My buddy and I were in a canoe, and had started to slow down to begin fishing. He was in the back and thought he was leaning too far one way. He snapped back the other way...and you guessed it...bloop. We were in the water! WORD: they call it BLUE lake for a REASON!!!!!!!!

We got rescued by another boat. We pulled the canoe over the sides, flipped it, and got back in. But, it was NO fun. And my first rod (and DAM Quick reel and eye glasses) have been in 300' of FRIGID water ever since.

I hate canoes to this day! (not to mention that they kill my old feeble back anyway)
camping on the aniochak river in alaska, left my rods out at night and a damn brown bear ate one... nice sage rpl... also lost one in a car crash in montana.. both were awsome rods that died unfortunate deaths.
Well...I guess that's ONE way that a brown bear can get his, or her, fiber in there diet!

P.S. I'm glad it was only a fishing rod, that died in that car crash. (R.I.P.)
and a sweet ass 1974 bronco.... ohh hard earned expensive lessons Ive learned... that old no speed limit thing wasn't the best idea in my book!
So I was up at Diamond lake last August and the water was totally flat so I thought what the heck I'll take my float tube out. Well the fish were only biting on the bottom out toward the middle but I was in for the challenge and kicked my way out there and anchored. The trout were huge. I think the smallest rainbow was 14" and one even tugged me, my float tube and ball anchor around for a bit (he was over 21"). Anyway, I had the lucky rainbow powerbait on the bottom and hadn't had a bite in 15 min. so I set my pole across the front end of the tube and reached to the side pocket to get a trail bar to munch on. Yep, one of these monsters didn't just nibble. He took the bait and ran before I could get my hands on the rod. It was a nice Shimano rod and reel that I'd gotten for fathers day a year before. Now I'm out in the middle of this lake without a pole. Took 20 min. of kicking to get back to shore and all I could do was laugh and giggle the whole way.
Well I didn't loose it but I almost lost it, out on the clack with Fishingfreak and when I went to cast out my line I hooked in to my other rod that was behind me throwing it out in the water. Got lucky though and the rod was still on the other end of my line and was able to keep it but it was close. That's about as clost as it has got for me so far. You should include found gear Fishingfreak has a good one for that :lol:

About 20 some years ago I bought an anchor from Bass Pro called the crab anchor. It was a neat 28 pound anchor. I put it in my boat and went to Ten Mile lake with my wifes cousin. He was an old Navy guy and said he would show me a knot that was full proof to stay tied. You guessed it, he threw the anchor out and all we had left was the rope. $30.00 back then for and anchor was a lot. After that I just took a pc of shaft from the mill and welded spikes on it and you don't ever loose thise old ugly things, but they don't cost anything. Qwa
About 20 some years ago I bought an anchor from Bass Pro called the crab anchor. It was a neat 28 pound anchor. I put it in my boat and went to Ten Mile lake with my wifes cousin. He was an old Navy guy and said he would show me a knot that was full proof to stay tied. You guessed it, he threw the anchor out and all we had left was the rope. $30.00 back then for and anchor was a lot. After that I just took a pc of shaft from the mill and welded spikes on it and you don't ever loose thise old ugly things, but they don't cost anything. Qwa

that is funny!!!!
one time while drifting the willy my friend made the mistake of setting his rod in an unsafe spot, atthe time we were drifting the middle, the boat was side ways. I was standing trying to lite my tobacco, when out of the corner of my eye i see my friend rod get caught up and within a mila second boom splash...his rod was in the water. the water was moving swiftly and just pressed his rod the th bottom of the one second...enjoying the scenery a second later
I was fishing the ocean last year out of Depoe bay. I had just got a new Abu 5500 cl3 on ebay lined it up with 50lb power pro and put the new 12-25 IM8 on it. Fast forward to government point in 80 feet of water my buddy brings up a 28 " ling with a bass on the top hook. Hes telling me take a picture of my double, so i set the rod on the gunnel and start taking pictures of his fish , i look back at my rod and it slams down raising the but in the air and rod into the ocean i reached out for it just a few inches away from my grasp. You could tell there was a fish on the other end because of the way the rod went flying into the water. Brand new rod , reel, and line into the ocean.
Few week ago i was fishing for lingcod with herring . I reeled in and set my baited rod and reel far up the rocks and started throwing jigs. Went up over a rock cliff and was fishing for some time. I went back to grab my bait rod, and noticed it was gone i was thinking wtf where could it be. Looked down in the surf and saw my broken rod tip barely sticking out of the water. Ran down the rocks just in time for a wave to blow my rod back onto the rocks. My rod was broke and my New reel was scratched to hell. My leader was broken , all i can think was that a seagull ate my herring and hooked himself dragging my rod down the rocks and breaking it :)
Not to hijack this thread, but I once had to CAREFULLY unhook a Sea Gull. No joke. As a kid I was with cast his line out into Yaquina Bay, the gull swooped down and scarfed the bait and got hooked. It was no easy task, to not get seriously hurt, while trying to unhook that stupid bird!
Hah...lost tackle??? I am an expert at that but only cuz some silly person put trees and bushes on riverbanks and rocks in the river....There was one time we were rowing around Clear Lake watching all the fish and having a good my pole all rigged up and decided to have a I looked over the side of the boat there goes my whole set up to the bottom....Moral: Never touch a burning cig to your line...:redface:
On the sticks drifting down the Sandy.. Cast out to side drift a slot.. didn't get the rod in the holder well.. snagged a rock.. pole in river before I could catch it...

Flash forward a month.. A post on ifish of a found rod and reel.. turned out to be mine.. cleaned up fine and is safely in my garage as a backup...
On the sticks drifting down the Sandy.. Cast out to side drift a slot.. didn't get the rod in the holder well.. snagged a rock.. pole in river before I could catch it...

Flash forward a month.. A post on ifish of a found rod and reel.. turned out to be mine.. cleaned up fine and is safely in my garage as a backup...

that is awesome.
one time on a super hot day trolling in blueriver, i saw a weird snag on my rod, grabbed it, it felt like i had some dead weight. i reel it in and its a rod caught by the eyelit.....we boated down the bnks looking for any bankies who had lost there rod (thinking we might have grabbed a rod from someone fishing on the bank) foud no one......rod looked descently new.....while taking it home i tiped in my cars power window.......
Fishing from a boat in Michigan for pre-spawn large mouths. Three of us in a little john boat. I set my rod down to assist netting our 20th bass of the day and as I'm doing this my friend cast his rod to the other side of the boat. In doing so he snagged my rod on the back cast and threw it over his head into the drink. We watched it going down as the bubbles came up. His quick instinct was to peal off as many clothes as possible and dive into the 55 degree water. After surfacing from a frigid dive he climbed back into the boat with no rod. "Sorry dude I tried but just didn't find it down there." He than reeled in his line which was still out in the water. Much to his suprise, "Guys I gotta fish, wait no..." My rod and reel were still hooked to his line. Needless to say we boated the bass and the rod. Unfortunately the water soak friend had to cut our day short. All in all it was an awesome day.
fishing from a boat in michigan for pre-spawn large mouths. Three of us in a little john boat. I set my rod down to assist netting our 20th bass of the day and as i'm doing this my friend cast his rod to the other side of the boat. In doing so he snagged my rod on the back cast and threw it over his head into the drink. We watched it going down as the bubbles came up. His quick instinct was to peal off as many clothes as possible and dive into the 55 degree water. After surfacing from a frigid dive he climbed back into the boat with no rod. "sorry dude i tried but just didn't find it down there." he than reeled in his line which was still out in the water. Much to his suprise, "guys i gotta fish, wait no..." my rod and reel were still hooked to his line. Needless to say we boated the bass and the rod. Unfortunately the water soak friend had to cut our day short. All in all it was an awesome day.

ROTFL!!! :lol::lol::lol::yay::yay::yay: That story is just way too funny!!!
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