Stripers on the surf

If I was going to try and surf fish I would do it now. Cause they will be in the river soon.
That time it worked
Nice Striper, I understand they are already being caught in the Smith river.
Winter hold-overs. Up the river
yes, tidewater though.
Yep. Top of tidewater at night. I don't night fish. I like sunny days
Yep. Top of tidewater at night. I don't night fish. I like sunny days

nice striper, did ya take it from the smith ? I hit the surf a lot nothing yet I think there far and few between in this surf..
While surf perch fishing, I use a rig with three hooks and usually put on sandshrimp or plastic sandworms. Maybe to target Stripers and Pinktail Perch, the top hook could be set up with an anchovie while the bottom two hooks are baited for perch. Might be worth a try.

This is what I have been doing every time I have fished for perch this past year. I have a BIG hook on top with 1/3 blue label herring and then regular baits for the perch on the bottom. So far no luck on my "striper hook". I got the idea of the herring from an east coast striper forum. They call it "chunking bait".

that sounds great,but aren't those baits going to be gone after the first cast.when I'm in and out of the water A LOT I'll take another pole along sometimes I throw a weighted plastic eel 9" that I scent but I think that it gets thrown around a lot its hard to fish a lure with the surf.:think:
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Seems like the two big striper rivers are the Umpqua and the Coquille. Maybe the set up only works when close to a river mouth when the Stripers are running along the beach, and heading towards the mouth of a river. Just don't have the pole in a pole holder with the drag set too tight!

The eels sound good. Maybe hook up a hoochie or small anchovie with a plastic nose clip and tie it on with streachy line so on the days when the surf is up, the rig will stay put with 4 oz. That leaves two hooks on the bottom spreads and keeps it away from the crabs. When the surf current is running parallel to the beach a big bait will cause lots of drag. I usually move with the current until I find the spot where it stops and runs out to sea and the perch seem to be there.

What's the regulation about having two poles? I read something about a permit for two poles and this may be the answer. What a blast to hook up a striper.

Email me and we will meet to perch fish. I've fished from Port Orford up to New Port for Pink Tails. Love them Pink Tails. I usually like to to get reports from the Coos Bay bouy which claims the surf is down to 6' and the wind is below 15 knots.
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Mr Mike
March/April Delaware River, Phila/New Jersey Area,,,,, we fished during tides with fresh herring, which would also be running,,,, the big cows would come in and spawn,, biggest 57" 3/4 in COW CATCH/RELEASE was in effect.. circle hooks and slip sinkers,,, let em run then tighten er up ,,, hang on
Brigitine Beach, NJ... surf same cut bait and clams,,, eels are best but need a boat/kayak or bay,,, they work great in the surf ,problem is you loose a lot just in casting,,, can't over rig eels,,, gotta swim nice and sexy ,,, drives em crazy,,,,, moon lite nights and eels can be KILLER

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