Stripers on the surf

I know you can catch stripers on the surf ,and I think their coming into the river anyway (UMPQUA) so does anybody know about surf fishing for stripers between florence and reedsport?
Maybe we need to start. It looks like a kick in the ass! oh, and perch fisherman .. when you think of the ocean it just sounds SO small.
I know you can catch stripers on the surf ,and I think their coming into the river anyway (UMPQUA) so does anybody know about surf fishing for stripers between florence and reedsport?????

bythesea; I would also like to get into some striper action. Come on folks lets get it figured out, maybe form a club???
Hey, EZ I read that you can fish for stripers (on the surf) as you would for perch.though I would try a different bait,(eel) ?? Need to figure out their habits. I guess if we keep flippen our line out there someone's bond to grab hold and give us a few tips........Clubs are good Im in.
Striper fishing is a staple for me, but not in OR. I hear the Umpqua is about as far north as their range goes. I fish for them in the rivers in CA so I don't know a lot about surf fishing for them. They hit all kinds of bait (live or dead); shad, anchovie, sardine, bullhead, goby, splittail. I may have never used eel for striper, to me thats sturgeon bait. Stripers take to lures, too. Good luck out there.
Striper fishing is a staple for me, but not in OR. I hear the Umpqua is about as far north as their range goes. I fish for them in the rivers in CA so I don't know a lot about surf fishing for them. They hit all kinds of bait (live or dead); shad, anchovie, sardine, bullhead, goby, splittail. I may have never used eel for striper, to me thats sturgeon bait. Stripers take to lures, too. Good luck out there.

I've caught & released mostly, many stripers & catfish in CA, using pileworms or a small baitfish from canals, especially. I also use bloodworms, cut anchovie, lures, & jigs are very good at times.
I always thought the best time for them was in the spring.....this summer I heard of one caught off Whaleshead beach down n of Brookings btw
I moved from Cali and need my Striper Fix. I make custom Plugs specifically for Striper no I just need to figure out whens the best time to hit the Surf up here.


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I moved from Cali and need my Striper Fix. I make custom Plugs specifically for Striper no I just need to figure out whens the best time to hit the Surf up here.

things don't sound real promising,But I'm not giving up.I met an old timer a few weeks ago he said he caught a few while surf their is hope.I was out fishing the surf the other day which started out kinda of slow I was'nt paying atention when bam! something damn near took the pole out of hands. I tried to set the hook but missed,Got my blood pump'en though....FISH ON!!!
I would try the smith and umqua rivers in march, april and may based on the research I have done. I have not done it yet since I have only been here since september 2010 but I am gonna give it a shot. Maybe if more people showed interest the odfw can possibly help out with getting the numbers up like they do with salmon and steelhead just a thought. Myself being from the east coast would much rather fish for stripers than salmon or steel IMO.
Cool looking plugs, they look great! I'd love to try 'em here...

I haven't surf fished for the stripes myself, though good question, be a real fun easy way to target them!!!
My brother in law gave me some plugs that are very similar to yours(Snout and eyes are diffrent) and some pencil poppers as well. He caught some big stripers around the Moss Landing to Capitola area with them. I would love to put them to use if someone could direct me to a general location:-). Hey, maybe these are some of your plugs?
I'd be interested in trying this bait (different color) on Striped Bass. This is 6" long and about 1/2" thick. Anyone on here catching Stripers regularly? I'd be up for allowing someone to R&D if you had the time / experience.
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Just finished these guys up for the guys on the East Coast. I know you can catch Stripers on clams, sardines and other baits. But it ain't the same as one Exploding on a Top water plug.
its like comparing a prius to a Bugatti Veyron


The rainbow trouts work great in the Norcal Rivers
Stripers on the surfStripers on the surf
Those are some nice line siders reminds me of the ones I used to catch back in cape cod massachusetts. Which state were those fish caught? I will second the feeling about catching a nice bass on a top water plug. We used to catch em on pencil poppers, bomber long A, and dragging hogy lures on the bottom. I am sure those will work just as good on this side of the island.
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They were caught in California. I moved up here a couple years ago and am Jonesing for a Good Striper Blow up. :D
I've been to Cape Cod:D I caught my first Stripers there on some Silver/black 16A Bombers in a town Called Sandwich. Was such a Scenic Place. Went out there to catch me a Blue Fish. I did catch one on a Yellow Pencil Popper in the town of Chatham. Caught another Striper in the Canal on a Needle on night too. Almost Lost a nice surf rod and reel too. Set it down and walked away and the tide raised the water.
Good thing I had a Head lamp or I would have been out a Few Bills. Someday I want to go back but I need to hit the Jersey Shore to fish with all my friends I've met online. As you Know They Love their Wood plugs back there.

Would be nice to find a area in Oregon that we could catch some stripers on Plugs. Bait fishing just doesn't compare.
Read the Dec.2010 article in Salmon,Trout ,Steelheader by Larry Ellis regarding the Coquille River. There is information about striper fishing there on page 64.

When I was a kid I came into some old issues of Outdoor Life and Sports Afield from the early 1950's. There was an article I remember in one of those about striper fishing from the beach and the pictures were all from what is now Humbug Mountain State Park beach south of Port Orford. People were catching a lot from that spot back then. I talked to a tourist at the park a few years ago that got spooled by something big right off the beach there while he was perch fishing. The same thing happened to me at another similar spot a few miles from there last year. It was the first week of June and I had a tiny chunk of IQF farmed prawn on a #8 snelled hook. It was a huge and lively fish and after about ten minutes it finally broke off. I never did get a look at it but assumed it was a striper. I also know of one person who got one right off Battle Rock beach in Port Orford a few years ago. So, does anyone target stripers from the beach here? Yep, me, or I intend to keep trying this year with heavier line and bigger hook.

If anyone scores a striper from the beach, let us in on the details.
Thanks for the's great to hear positive replys on this.I to am not giving up .Im setting up another pole to take along when Im fishing for perch.I'll take a break from the perch and throw out an eel lure I've got .I need a good scent for it though.If any thing happens I'll be back for sure....FISH-ON!!!
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