Steelhead limit today!

I had a unique experience today that I've never had before. I drifted various presentations for 2 1/2 hours with nothing to show for my efforts. Figuring that though the water color was great, the flow was moving really quickly. I moved down river a few hundred yards and switched to bobber and jig set at 4ft. What happened next was awesome! Three Steelhead on three consecutive casts in the holding water at the end of the tailout. I kept the first two and let the last steely go free. :D

P.S. Does it still count as a limit if I only decided to tag and keep 2 out of those 3? :cool:


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Love that red stripe, awesome fish. Thats one thing I'm learning and trying to do more of. If they aren't biting it probably isn't that there isn't fish, its that they don't want what I have for them. Switch Switch Switch. Watched a guy that always catches fish and thats what he was doing. Every 10-15 mintues he would be switching colors on his yarn and corky, throwing different color spinners, floating bobbers through. Makes it more work but I've found I catch more fish.
Nice fish and glad you had a great day.

And I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news BUT...

according to page 8 of the 2010 regs; # 14 says that you CANNOT...

"continue to angle for the same type of fish after taking and retaining a catch or possession limit."

So, you could have gotten a fine for continuing to fish for that 3rd steelie.
nice feesh. you keep catching like that you are going to need a bigger counter.
on the regs issue, looks legal to me to keep even that 3rd fish
I knew I could keep that 3rd fish, but I just wasn't feeling it. Perhaps it was the guilt of bonking and bleeding 2 others in just as many minutes.:cool:
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