Steelhead hole!

Well-known member
2 years ago me and my dad went to hebo in search of some summer steelhead. we tried hansen boatramp and the heart atack hole at 3 rivers. there was a third spot we ventured to but i can't remember what it was called or exact directions. we took a right instead of a left at hebo where the bait shop is and we drove about a mile i think going into a small loop where there was a nice fishing hole with little stream running into it at the far left (top) of the hole. can anybody help me out here? bad memory really bums me out :/
Ummm the only creek that low running into the tucca is farmers creek. Its actually a boat ramp. I think you might be thinkin of the 101 hole.
it wasn't actually a creek. it was a really small stream of water. like drainage or somthing it was only about 3 weet wide.
okay cool. it's a nice spot and i would like to return here for winter steelhead. hopefully it will hold fish!

thank you guys,

If you are thinking of farmers, try fishing the slot on the other side of the river, right in front of the boat ramp.
SantiamDrifter said:
If you are thinking of farmers, try fishing the slot on the other side of the river, right in front of the boat ramp.

i don't remember a boat ramp at all there was a tree that was right at the bank shading half the river. and then to the lower end there was rocks and it dropped off above all that was the little stream. i waded in and there was water behind the other side below the hole.. like a fork in the river. but it wasn't moving really. i'm kinda puzzled again ;/
Was this hole in a big bend? Does the river bend to the left?
SantiamDrifter said:
Was this hole in a big bend? Does the river bend to the left?

kinda yeah the water went under the overhanging tree.
I'd have to say you mean farmers, you must just not remember seeing the boat ramp. It is down river from the creek so its possible. But both farmers and 101 are easily seen from the road. So if you drive by you should see the hole you mean.
SantiamDrifter said:
I'd have to say you mean farmers, you must just not remember seeing the boat ramp. It is down river from the creek so its possible. But both farmers and 101 are easily seen from the road. So if you drive by you should see the hole you mean.

thanks very much i appriciate it. ;)

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