Steelhead 2023 show OFF

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OK, guys and gals, let's see 'em.

Winter steelheading.jpg
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Took me long enough but I just haven't had time to fish. Went this morning and got skunked but finished chores early so I went back and got this 9lb native. Skunk OFF!

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I appreciate all the likes of my pic but I have to chuckle every time because I'm such a terrible picture taker (can't even use the word photographer, seems inappropriate). There's a good story behind this fish that I should have shared but didn't because I posted it from my phone.

This was the hardest fighting steelhead I may have ever caught. It was a bit of a strange hook up. I didn't recognize the head shakes as a typical bite but I knew something was there. Once I lifted the rod tip, it was already on the move and before I really had good pressure on it, it jumped about 50' from where I hooked it.

Drag was obviously too loose so I tightened it up and the fish just kept pushing upstream while I was free floating downstream. When it was about 100 yards from me I was thinking I might need to start the motor and chase it upstream but it was about then I felt like I could consistently gain ground.

When I got a sense of how big it was I figured it was foul hooked. I ended up putting it in the net probably 500 yards from where I hooked it. That seems like a long way for a small steelhead. I pulled the hook out from the tip of it's tail. I considered not counting it as my first steelhead but it's been too slow of a start for me so it goes on the board.
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Been pretty damn slow on our local river. Was fortunate enough to hook up in the afternoon after everyone had split, buck hit the bead trailer on my jig. I was standing on a rock in pretty fast water without a net and really didn’t expect much the way the day had gone. This fish was hot and shot downstream, upstream and across the river, it was awesome! I was able to tire him out and eventually drag him between and couple of rocks and tail him. Little room for error and luckily I had a good hook set. I’ve landed a lot of steelhead but this was one of the funnest!

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I've already heard rumblings that this year is starting out worse than 2 years ago. And 2 years ago was the worst anyone had ever seen.
Yeah it seems like everyone is still waiting for the fish to show up, hopefully they will🤞 looks like another high water event coming mid- late next week, if they aren’t here after that I’m going to be very skeptical

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hobster said:
Yeah it seems like everyone is still waiting for the fish to show up, hopefully they will🤞 looks like another high water event coming mid- late next week, if they aren’t here after that I’m going to be very skeptical
I still have yet to catch my first steelie of the season. My wife and I are headed to seaside this weekend for our anniversary and she wants to catch her first steelhead. Hoping to report back here next week!
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This is what my anniversaries used to look like. Now she won't get in the boat with me. How things change after a couple decades of marriage. Enjoy it while it lasts and good luck this weekend.

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With the non-stop downpours yesterday was the first day I was able to hit the river. My son and I made the best of it going 2/3 on some sea-lice covered bullets.
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Awesome fish! Great pictures as well👍
Forgot my login info from the account I had years ago so first post in a few years. Been lucky enough to shake hands with a few fish this past week, this was my favorite of the bunch. Bobber got caught in a little whirlpool that spun it around and pulled it under. Bobber didn’t come back up like I expected so I set the hook and sure enough this fish was on the other end. Quick fight, quick pic, and back on its way.

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Finally got one to eat! Eggs are curing up tonight and I’ll give them a shot next weekend.

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Lost what would have been a personal best yesterday and went straight back to the same hole and ended up catching my personal best along with another little steelhead (not pictured). Measured out to 34.75x18.6, calc’d to 15.4 lb. Hell of a hatchery fish.
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Very nice fish! Love those big bucks colors
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Been awhile but hooked two on a plug today. My buddy landed this little guy and lost another. Of course the one that got away was much bigger.

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What a sad state of affairs this is still on page 1. Winter steelheading has been pretty bad all up and down the coast from what I’ve heard. I was lucky enough to land three this year, definitely fished a lot less than normal. I’m gonna give it one more shot this week. At least I am 100%, three bobber downs, three hook ups, and three landings. Bobber fishing is my least favorite, but I couldn’t hook one on a spinner, and it was too low to drift fish most of the year.
It's too early to quit. I've only been once and only got a few trout. March and early April have been good to me in the past.
I've been picking them up here and there but definitely slow. Everyone I've talked to that fishes for a living says this is the worst year they've ever seen. I do agree with Chris though. next 45 - 60 days could see improvement. Fingers crossed.

My last fish was a pretty fun one but I didn't take a photo. I launched at Cleveland Rapids around 4pm on Friday. A guide buddy of mine was just taking out and there was some jackass anchored right in the middle of the drift about 200 yards downstream. I figured I'd just make short passes between the rapids and they anchored boat so I pulled out across the current and cast back towards the beach where I launched. As I pass my buddy he looks back from the shore and waves and turns back around. About 10 seconds later my rod buries and I stand up and start fighting the fish by myself. I hear my friend's guest say to him, "That guy's already got one!" I don't think my friend was too thrilled for me because he never even looked up from what he was doing. I'm guessing it wasn't a banner day for them since 2 or 3 fish a day is considered a success and me getting one in the first 30 seconds wasn't exactly making his day.

So then I'm floating down directly towards this anchored boat. I'm by myself. And I was all too happy to kindly ask them to get off anchor so I could pass by. They were super friendly but how does anyone think anchoring in the middle of the most popular drift on the Umpqua system is OK?

I should have gone right back to the truck after I released that fish and went home. It's common knowledge that if you catch a steelhead or salmon on your first cast you will not catch another all day.....maybe all weekend because I went the next morning before heading to the coast for crab and lingcod and got skunked.
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C_Run said:
It's too early to quit. I've only been once and only got a few trout. March and early April have been good to me in the past.
This is true, but life is getting busy. I usually try to get out a couple of times in March, April used to be good as well but the runs are so poor right now. The trap counts at our local river are so dismal it is discouraging. I’ve only got one shot to get out in the next three weeks so I’m going for it but that will probably be it for me. Springers are coming!
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