Springers in Eagle Creek

Last Fall I ended up hooking into some springers while looking for coho up at the hatchery. Curious if Anyone knows if there are any in the Creek yet, perhaps at Bonnie Lure?
They should do ok up there this year I'd think with the water being so cold n high? Metalfisher hits it up there, he'd know!
DFW recreation report, might as well tell people the truth so they don't go to the coast and tackle on peoples beloved natives, right? ;).

EAGLE CREEK: steelhead

The creek conditions are looking very good, but the winter steelhead angling is over for the spring. There could be a few native fish lingering around in the upper stretches for catch-and-release action.

As long as the good spring flows remain in place, anglers can expect some spring chinook to enter the creek by mid to late May. These would be returns from direct releases of smolts completed in 2008 and 2009.

Long stretches of Eagle Creek run through private property, particularly up near the hatchery and from an area below the lower ladder on down past Bonnie Lure to the mouth. Anglers are advised to pay close attention to where you fish and we encourage you to ask permission prior to accessing or crossing private lands on your way to your favorite fishing hole. See Page 15 of the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulation pamphlet for more information on “Your Rights to Use the Surface, Bed, and Banks of Oregon’s Rivers and Lakes”.
Trip to the Creek

Trip to the Creek

Had a nice Hike and worked on my roll cast at Bonnie Lure and Eagle Fern but didn't see any fish. Guess they're not in yet.
Had a nice Hike and worked on my roll cast at Bonnie Lure and Eagle Fern but didn't see any fish. Guess they're not in yet.

O, but they are:) Not in any #`s yet. But a couple of my OFFerings (or myself) have spooked a couple away down below the lower ladder. They be takin they`re time. Just like ALL season, EVERYWHERE.
HEY HEY ssshhhhh... I liked it better last year when everyone was sayin there was no Springers at all :) I have been out a couple times and nada, but mi padre was up this week and also spooked a fish down below the ladder.
HEY HEY ssshhhhh... I liked it better last year when everyone was sayin there was no Springers at all :) I have been out a couple times and nada, but mi padre was up this week and also spooked a fish down below the ladder.

Me too, then you know they are in there for sure!:dance:
HEY HEY ssshhhhh... I liked it better last year when everyone was sayin there was no Springers at all :) I have been out a couple times and nada, but mi padre was up this week and also spooked a fish down below the ladder.

I thought I may have drove by him sometime last week(end). We`ll be seein ya for a minute, in June, before I leave those nasty egg wagons for the masses in July. I can`t stay away from the STEEL!!
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