
Went floatin down the Santiam yesterday with Kodiak and his brother. The weather was beautiful and so was the fishin.

I caught this girl on some TCO cooner topped with Pop-A-Top TaKillYa Rose.

Kodiak's brother nailed this one on a TCO cooner and I've never EVER seen a fish get so ticked off. We're talkin acrobatics six feet out of the water and almost over the boat. FREAKIN AWESOME.
Uhh, mike? Did you catch that sewer trout outta that mud puddle you're standin' by??

If so, damned good job! But you are supposed to wait till you get home before you start takin' bites outta the tail.

Yeah, well, I ran out of beef jerky half way through the run and uhh well you a little hungry? She put on a heck of a fight, but no where near the fight of the other one.
I'm hoping to get out and try the new screw driver on some different cooners, or eggs. Might try the boody mary too. I'm keepin my fingers crossed about gettin out tomorrow. Too bad your way the heck up there, we might be gettin into some trouble down here in the next couple days-weeks.
Yeah, well, I ran out of beef jerky half way through the run and uhh well you a little hungry? She put on a heck of a fight, but no where near the fight of the other one.

That's what happens when you're not stocked on jerky...I gotta say, I don't have this problem of yours.

nice feesh though.
Good looking fish. I got some things I'm working up with your yarn. I'll have to get some to you for next time. Once again good looking fish.
Nice. Did Sergio tell you about the new colors to play with? I think the new ScrewDriver is gonna be a hot color for egg patterns and jigs too.
Nice. Did Sergio tell you about the new colors to play with? I think the new ScrewDriver is gonna be a hot color for egg patterns and jigs too.

He didn't say anything about new colors, but I can't wait to see them. The darker blackish purplish one had a hook up. So good it broke me off
He didn't say anything about new colors, but I can't wait to see them. The darker blackish purplish one had a hook up. So good it broke me off

Gunmetal. Yeah. That one gets smacked pretty good in low clear.

And for you that don't know what the "skidoosh" is about..... watch Kung Fu Panda. I have a friend that reminds me of Poe from that movie.
Gunmetal. Yeah. That one gets smacked pretty good in low clear.

And for you that don't know what the "skidoosh" is about..... watch Kung Fu Panda. I have a friend that reminds me of Poe from that movie.

We used to say that all the time! hahaha I laughed when I seen someone else use "Skidoosh!"
We used to say that all the time! hahaha I laughed when I seen someone else use "Skidoosh!"

thats funny i thought it was from the family guy where lois asks brian if he'd been working out and he's all "you want to see how its goin?..SKIDOOSH!!" lol...great title to a thread!!
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