Siltcoos and Takenitch

The coastal lakes should be heating up soon. We boated our first fish last year on 11/2 in siltcoos
Has anyone heard anything about this year yet
the dam hasnt been opened yet and there needs to be a good 2-3 inches of rain before it will get even close to being high enough to open. Tenmile might be a different story as its not dammed.
I dont even care if the dam is open. of ot is its just a bonus and i use more gas trolling the river. Might as well not even fish there this year I think its gonna be a monkey show with the way the internet is these days. Too many reporters and report chasers.

Not sure if the date on my camera was right because it always get screwed up and i never notice until several trips later. Hopefully it dies this year and my wife wants to replace it right away since for the lsat 2 years i haven't been able to undersatand how it is still alive in the first place. but anyways this was my lst saltwater trip and first siltcoos trip of the year last year. Got it on my first pass after wasting a day on the suislaw. Alos was the fisrt trip after a very expensive and time consuming boat rebuilt that took longer and more money than planned so it alsways was only my 3rs salt trip and first in my boat last year. thats ok though 9 trips to the lakes and 16 boated fish later 4 on my tag i was very happy to switch to winter steelhead as the lakes died off.


Also if remeber right the photographer was a member or here. And avid siltcoos salyer.

Mike what do you mean the slaw is shut down? no more salmon fishing? thought it was just closed to hos like always anyways?
Im heading out next weekend to the lakes and hanging up the nookin gear for the season. You should go out this weekend and do some recon for us.
They opened the dam for 24 hours a week or so ago to flush out the sand bar at the mouth. The fish were stacked waiting to move upriver. There's good numbers.
our sonar did not mark many large fish on Sat. but we did catch a nice bright 3# Jack up the Fiddle Creek arm, so nice day fishing and still 7 spots on our tags for native adult silvers, hope they open the dam again and let them in...
Dam open or not, the fish are still gonna move in up the ladder. If you sit by the ladder you'll see em shooting up it. Fish aren't going to be concentrated up any of the arms this early. It's a game of battleship. Cover as much water as you can, seek, and destroy. There's a few places they congregate this time of year that consistently produce. I'm not at liberty to disclose those spots on a public forum, however, just cover water and you'll find em.
Dam open or not, the fish are still gonna move in up the ladder. If you sit by the ladder you'll see em shooting up it. Fish aren't going to be concentrated up any of the arms this early. It's a game of battleship. Cover as much water as you can, seek, and destroy. There's a few places they congregate this time of year that consistently produce. I'm not at liberty to disclose those spots on a public forum, however, just cover water and you'll find em.

I would say its a more like a bombing run. Troll your gear down a specific path and "bomb" the water with your gear. Sooner or later your target gets destroyed and the end result is blood everywhere. hereing about that jack just further proves that there will be a bloody mess next weekend. Jeanna you must pm me the location of these spots. I have no idea where you would find fish this time of year. specially since the dam isn't open.
Andy, after bombarding my phone when I was at work with fish porn, I don't think we can be friends anymore. So I won't be able to send you that PM. you're on your own.

I will however tow your boat and go camping this weekend to an undisclosed location. Maybe we can still be friends, but it's going to take some blood in the boat to do so.
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