Siltcoos 10-22-2011 --- 10-23-2011

First of all I would like to say that ther aren't any fish in siltcoos because the dam isn't open. do not for any reason go fish this lake unless the dam is open. The fish that journey up the siltcoos river do not and will not use the fish ladder built into the dam. Jeanna and bfishing and i did a 2 day one night at siltcoos and boated into the hike in campground. fisrt time i transported all my gear via boat. we had a blast and put some time in 2 days in a row looking for fish. fished from dark until dark saturday other than a break to make camp and blow some **** up with a few of the guns in our arsenal. this trip it was the 45 and the ak47 doing the destruction. aslo they come in handy in cougar country and when fishing with all the monkeys. and we stopped in for a hot meal saturday night but gauruntted we were the last boat fishing and had a wonderful boat ride across the lake in the dark with on the stars and my gps to guide us. fished the night of and the 30 rack around a fire and passed out. OTF you would be proud. i also got f'ed up friday night and was up a bit later than planned. got up in the dark got the fire back up and made a hot breakfast. then we hit the water. first boat fishing the maple creek arm. fished until mid afternoon sunday and broke camp and headed home. also bumped into some locals down there. jeannas parents. mikeredding and his wife and a good portion of the nwk krew. also a guy at the dock who regonized me but never gave himself up. along with nwdunerider or something like that. A guy who i talked with a bit last year and seen on the water several times. just didn't recognize him in the new boat. sorry. also beer may have been a factor. anways was a great trip even with a lacking of fish. Feel lucky i gave away to much info already.


Total for the weekend were 2 4-5 ish lb coho and and similar one that wraped itself along with my favorite plug around a log and broke me off. along with a 2+ lb rainbow my personal best trollin rainbow. "Guide Status" 'd bigger ones not on my rod though.


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definitely no fish. I'd venture to say those were some leftovers from last year, maybe just some oversized smolt ;)

I don't remember sending you pics. Wow. Nyquil is some powerful stuff.
Oh definitely the meat was so quality. I filleted it out and skinned it and it looks effin amazing so bright and tasty looking...and I want to cook it up stat...but I can't taste a damn thing.
I forgot to mention that we only could get into bfj's this trip for some reason. Mikeredding must have taken all the adults when he left. Yeah all these fish were late spawners from last year when they had the dam open off and on. But i could be mistaken since they lacked sea lice they may have just been some bfs's that were on there way to the salt. Gotta love nyquill. try it mixed with vodka and redbull next time.
Aw man too bright of a fish to smoke! How'd that 'bow taste? Frack. I want to be able to taste stuff!!! I ate Brussel sprouts dude, I would rather die than taste those things but that's how hardcore my lack of taste is :( might be putting that fish in the freezer afterall. Got all the stuff set aside to make salmon nuggets and everything. Damn this disease!! I apologize if either of you get sick. I'll supply you guys nyquil, I think I bought four boxes of the crap at walmart.
I gave up on nooks for that same reason. If its only smoker worthy than i dont want anything to do with it. the better the the fish the better the product. too many people call nasty things smoker worthy. I am gonna have to go with brad on the smoker subject. smoke flavor only hides so much. I guess im just picky when it comes to fish. And you wont find me chasing stocker trucks or at the seafood counter at costco.

gonna eat the bow tomorrow. been sick nuts a stomoach thing. think something nasty got into my stomach while fishing.
Thought I'd remind people to rid themselves of those crappy hooks that come on plugs from the factory. Vmc hooks are ghetto.

That little fish almost got free


If THAT little turd of a fish can do that, think of the damage a fish three times that would do.

Haha was the only plug I didn't have time to swap hooks on, go figure.

Here's the stellar sunrise.


And Andy forgot to mention the catch of the weekend. This came on a new untested plug on Saturday, it set me up for failure the rest of the day. Doesn't get much worse than that.


Crappy. My stomachs been killing me but it's because of that freakin ulcer and all the meds ive been eating to feel half alive again. Maybe you got some toxic algae in your gut. Did you find out about that shirt?! That waters so nasty.

I gave up on nooks for that same reason. If its only smoker worthy than i dont want anything to do with it. the better the the fish the better the product. too many people call nasty things smoker worthy. I am gonna have to go with brad on the smoker subject. smoke flavor only hides so much. I guess im just picky when it comes to fish. And you wont find me chasing stocker trucks or at the seafood counter at costco.

gonna eat the bow tomorrow. been sick nuts a stomoach thing. think something nasty got into my stomach while fishing.
nope didn't use google yet i will before i eat it tomorrow night. think its from the salmon slime on the beers. or even getting on my sealed lunches. maybe the algea in the water i was washing my beers off in. could be all the nasty stuff that gets whiped onto my fishing pants in between washes. maybe something transfered back to my hands during a whipe and then onto a sandwhich or something who knows. without going into details it was like mild food poisoning. i would say who knows. maybe just from lack of hand washing and everything that goes along with an adventure with "guide status" idk but its gtting better and worked sucked today.
Maybe it was from my dog licking it's butthole for like an hour, and then licking your pants for another hour...and then you wiped off a nasty fish cooler beer on the spot she licked your pants, after dunking it in the toxic algae...

Just thinking about the process of nastiness that went down.

Beer sashimi is just disgusting. I can't do it.
nice report guys, congrats!

funny picture of the dog trying to get a lick of your fish!

Yeahhhh salmon poisoning in the making. First time she's ever shown any interest in anything going on in the boat. Never even opened her eyes the last time she Was in the boat with a salmon. gets spayed this week, so I'm going to hit up the vet for meds to keep on hand just in case. Only a matter of time since I take her everytime I leave the house with rods in hand.
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