Sandy summers??

I saw 8 summers today in the same hole/slot at oxbow today I went 0/1 but saw flashes all over.. forgetting spinners wasn't smart..
Thanks guys! I was at Dodge yesterday, saw nothing. I must redeem my HTL(hook-to-land ratio). Last weekend I was at Dodge in the PM. Hooked into a springer? but he spit the hook. Spinners seem to be the ticket to coax them into biting.

Damn whitefish MGD. I hate those fish, I usually just throw them on the bank.

Good luck fellas. Thanks for the info. I'll update when I find them again or if you guys get into them mind hitting me with a PM?
I tried Oxbow on Mon with no luck. Spinners and jigs. Hooked one big sucker. It was really pretty with not a single fisherman around. Good times even without fish on my hook.
My brother and I fished Blue Hole about 2 weeks ago (June 24) and were skunked, but we kept seeing this nice sized fish making quite a few splashes in the middle of the hole. Just couldn't catch 'em!

I am hopefully floating the Sandy from Dodge to Gordon Creek this Saturday (July 10) in a light blue Aire Tributary tandem IK with some friends. I am planning on tossing some spinners OFF the banks of our two stops... the first is the beach (river left) just below the Girl Scout / Campfire USA beach (about a 10 minute float from Dodge)... Then, we stop at the Blue Hole (huge beach on river right). Hopefully will have some time for a few casts, but mostly just some fun in the sun and water with friends...

Anyway, if anyone else is out there, come say "Hi" if you see us! Would be great to meet some of the Sandy regulars
It's pretty much up from Dodge park. Great fishing with 20 of your favorite toothless friends:dance:

It's not really that bad. Probably the best "odds" right now as the slot is deep and the river is low and clear. They are there, but will the bite? Just like hot chicks at tanning salon, they're there, but will they bite? Prob not.
Try throwing a shot or two of Boones Strawberry Hill in each time ya cast. Worked in high school right?
I saw 3 springers and 4 summers rolling or jumping last night with no interest in anything i had to offer...
7am Arrive at Girlscout Hole- 7:45ish AM Hooked one, he rolled, spit the hook...casted same color spinner a million times after that. Same retireive, slow, fast, etc..nothing. 8:45am I am cursed, left GS hole. Arrive at Dodge 9:00am. Switched to a copper spoon, due to intense sun. 10am nothing, but a tan/ I left about Noon. It was way to hot to fish. And I ran out of coors light.... :( The blue mountains, not very blue after the ice melted.

I am glad to hear people are getting into them! Thats awesome fellas. Post pictures of your Catch, if you have them.I just put my camera in my tackle box, so I have it for future trips. Keep the updates coming..
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