Salmon River (coast)

I was wondering what are the best tactics in the Salmon River (tidewater area), I have heard Corkie and Yarn is the best, but I have also heard that Salmon don't actually eat the Corky, it just drifts into their mouth (what are the odds of that?).

What is the best color combination for drift rigs in the Salmon River? I tied some up with a Pink/White Birdie, tiny orange bead, large red w/ yellow sparkles Corky, and size 1/0 Red Gamakatsu with red yarn. I believe the rigs I tied could resemble a small glob of eggs drifting around, but is this a good color combination?

Everyone says only use Corky and Yarn in the Salmon River, I have just never understood why a fish would eat a few beads and a piece of string :think:, help me out :pray: :lol:. Most all of my Salmon have been caught trolling in the Yaquina River, or out off Newport.
Someone I talked to last year was knocking them dead in that river with just a black corkie with a little red on it. He called it a "ninja"? I saw the pics and he had some nice fish!
Sweet, I always prefer a little red in my set ups, I think it fools the fish into thinking it's either blood or eggs.

I picked these up at Bi-Mart today, they are black with sparkles and green dots (couldn't find red spotted black ones, sounds like a color that would catch my eye too) but I will include red yarn with them.
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ever person i see usesign a corky and yarn is flossing fish or snaring. bobber and eggs is the best bet in caughting a fish id say
I've always wondered why so many people floss in that river??? It's like people think that those fish are different from others and just dont bite for some reason.. It's a very good fishery that has been ruined by snaggers. Depending on water temps those fish will hit spinners and eggs.
I've always wondered why so many people floss in that river??? It's like people think that those fish are different from others and just dont bite for some reason.. It's a very good fishery that has been ruined by snaggers. Depending on water temps those fish will hit spinners and eggs.

I agree the fishery has been ruined by snaggers. Spinners and eggs are the best bet to get a fair hook up.
u can tell the guys that are flossing when they land a fish and tell everone look look its hooked in the mouth. its very sad that poeple can't learn to fish
I'm glad u posted this Drew, I was trying to find a post on the salmon river for a couple days, with no luck.I am going there tomorrow, and what did i pick up tonight eggs and some more spinners! good choice looks like. Got a report from a friend of a friend who got a 56#:shock: last weekend. I hope i at least get 1 dumb one. Will post when I get back.
a dumb question

a dumb question

I'm new to bait fishing, especially for salmon. My question is this: how the heck do you keep a cluster or glob of eggs on the hook? Soon as they get wet they get all droopy and fall off my hook.
I am a rookie with bait. I appreciate any advice given. Thanx!
I've always wondered why so many people floss in that river??? It's like people think that those fish are different from others and just dont bite for some reason.. It's a very good fishery that has been ruined by snaggers. Depending on water temps those fish will hit spinners and eggs.

Spinners and Eggs are the way to go, I still need to master eggs under a float, Clownfish's question will help out.

I'm glad u posted this Drew, I was trying to find a post on the salmon river for a couple days, with no luck.I am going there tomorrow, and what did i pick up tonight eggs and some more spinners! good choice looks like. Got a report from a friend of a friend who got a 56#:shock: last weekend. I hope i at least get 1 dumb one. Will post when I get back.

My trip was today also, I had no luck, but saw one hook up that ended up being lost. I mainly fished the bridge that gets affected by the tide, fished from before sunrise to 9:00am and took off to the next bridge above the hatchery (needs rain), called it quits by 11:00am. Definitely looking forward to posting results either next weekend or the weekend after.
I'm new to bait fishing, especially for salmon. My question is this: how the heck do you keep a cluster or glob of eggs on the hook? Soon as they get wet they get all droopy and fall off my hook.
I am a rookie with bait. I appreciate any advice given. Thanx!

The trick to get them to stay on is a egg loop when u learn how to tie on u will understand. Good luck
I fished the 18 From 101 bridge to the hatch. OMG talk about a lot off people most off the places u couldent even park:(. finally found a spot there were fish there saw 3 caught one in the head one in the tail and one in the side what a shame.

I was there this morning on my way back home. Saw somebody land one using a corkie under 101 bridge at about 9am or so. Thats the only fish I saw banked in the 2 hours or so I was there. I was floating a jig and watchin' my float very closely when a sea lion popped up right next to it. Startled me pretty good. Lots of people. Didn't even stop while driving up the 18. Cars and anglers all over the place.
I was there this morning on my way back home. Saw somebody land one using a corkie under 101 bridge at about 9am or so. Thats the only fish I saw banked in the 2 hours or so I was there. I was floating a jig and watchin' my float very closely when a sea lion popped up right next to it. Startled me pretty good. Lots of people. Didn't even stop while driving up the 18. Cars and anglers all over the place.

sea lion's at the 101, did not think they would be there learn something new every day.
I fishe dthe salmon a couple years ago everfy weekend. I did catch a lot on only corkies, though, there were a few that were also snaged. It seems like a different concept fishing there than say the alsea. There are a lot of fish there (or at least were) but i wil lnever go back becasue of the crowds. To me, you should not have to feel like your pissing people off by invading their space just to fish. Theres nothing like seeing 15-20 people having to reel in once someone gets one on.

but thats just me ;)
I was less than impressed when I walked down the trail and some hillbilly was recycling his Budweiser in the bushes! He was less than 100 feet from the porta-pot and even said "hi"...guess I should be glad he didn't want to shake hands...
Salmon river is Goofy for sure, mostly due to the anglers that fish this area. I can tell you that if you fish this river properly its can be absolutely phenominal. I have been catching limits everyday on bobber and eggs. Although most people think that these fish will not eat a corky , you are dead wrong. Just because 75% of the people fishing corkies set the hooks on line bumps does not mean the other 25% arent knocking them dead on corkies hooked properly . I dont care how talented a snagger you are, there is very little chance that you are going to floss a fish in tidewater if the fish has the corkie in its mouth then the fish ate your corky that simple.. Just my two cents.
State police give up on this river? I dont think so I see them out there all the time. Snagging tickets have been given out , and i have seen many people get there ass chewed out by the State cops. Problem you have on this river , is the size of river. Your talking one or two spots to fish in tidewater without a boat. I do know that last weekend we clobbered fish on bobbers in tidewater, and caught several on corkies. I was a non believer when i first showed up over here, saw all the guys plunking tidewater I thought WTH are these guys doing. Well it works no matter what you might think . If your willing to be patient and put in the time you will catch fish. I rarely use corkies for any fish , so i have about twenty in my box :) There are spots that I do not fish just because I dont want the cops on my ass and profiling me as a snagger.
I would no doubt confront a desperate a#% snagger, it takes no skill, and they might as well give their rod up to someone that's willing to put forth some skill and effort into fooling the fish to think the bait/lure is an actual food source.

None of the guys I have seen plunking corkies set the hook more than twice when I was there, I am a newb to catching salmon from the bank, so I tried the corkie setup (tossing spinner with another rod when I reeled up the Corky), I don't like the idea of using a floating piece of plastic like I'm fishing for pellet heads at Walter Wirth, I'd rather get an aggresive take down on a Blue Fox, or float some eggs. Would a float and Sandshrimp work? I bet the Bluebacks would take them, along with Steelies.

I am guessing Sturgeon run up the Salmon River, they run up the Yaquina in tidewater. I would hate to hook up with one of them in the middle of the day around everyones line.
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