Salmon reg question specifically about jacks

so here are the regs verbatum... in the aggregate: 2 adult salmon or steelhead per day....5 jack salmon per day.... i know that chinook jacks are under 24" and coho under 20" and i am almost certian that even if it is only open to only clipped chinook a jack can still have a fin but i may be wrong. my question is if you are angling for chinook where no coho are allowed to be kept can you still keep a jack coho as part of the jack limit? and also if its open to chinook no matter the fin and only clipped coho and you get a non clipped coho jack its legal to take, right? Maybe i am questioning the regs too much and need to call law inforcement and odfw to get to the bottom of this. problem is i wont be around a phone to call them until monday bussness hours.
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That made my brain cell hurt.

I'd call 'em but I'm at work, and just got schooled for having my phone on my desk.
Just a big headache now adays. You almost dont know the rules until you head out the door for the first trip of the year. Lots of grumbling about the central coast regualtions for sometime now. Your correct about the Chinook Jack and the fin . My best guess about the coho would be that if its a jack with a fin , and your fishing waters that are closed to adult coho retention then its probably not legal to keep the jack coho unless its finless :)
ok so that makes me think if clipped coho are legal then a jack can be kept regarless of fin just like the nook jack regs.

yeah and i would like to know if coho retention is closed can you still keep jack coho?

yeah its a brain teaser for sure.
In theory ;)
to which one i was editing it while you posted i think.
"my question is if you are angling for chinook where no coho are allowed to be kept can you still keep a jack coho as part of the jack limit?"NO
"and also if its open to chinook no matter the fin and only clipped coho and you get a non clipped coho jack its legal to take, right?" NO at least that's how it reads.
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Welcome back, haven't seen you around in a long time. The regs are always so vaige so its good to have an interpritation from law inforcement before the law gets inforced. so riddle me this: when angling for only clipped chinook why is it that you can keep a jack with a fin but not in the same situation with only the word chinook changed to coho?
Like I said on my post, that's how it reads to me, but I wasn't a game officer so I may be wrong on the fin thing. I know that the other part is right though and the way enforcemnet on Coho has been I just wouldn't push the non-fin clipped jack issue until you can talk to an officer on it. Always better to error on the side of caution than pay a $375 fine for some little fish.
yeah for sure that would be an expensive fish.
The reason you can keep a non clipped jack chinook is because there not sexually mature. The reason you can not keep a jack coho that is unclipped while fishing waters closed to coho is because its closed. Two years ago there was a hatchery run of Coho on the river I fish so in that situation any clipped coho was legal
BlackBass said:
The reason you can keep a non clipped jack chinook is because there not sexually mature. The reason you can not keep a jack coho that is unclipped while fishing waters closed to coho is because its closed. Two years ago there was a hatchery run of Coho on the river I fish so in that situation any clipped coho was legal

yeah i understand that but if it is open to clipped coho can you keep an unclipped coho jack?
dumb question but i forget so often, do u have to tag a nook jack? i havent kept one in so long
Call ODFW, the rules change too often not to get clarrification on it. Up here it didn't matter 3 years ago when I was checked, does it now, I don't kow but I will be asking WDFW if it does.

As for sexualy mature, maybe they are not down there but they are here and considered vital at times for spawning. They are all male and I have personaly seen them spawning here with adult females, both Coho and Chinook. We milked them at the college hatchery and it was just as un nerving as milking a big buck and just as messy.
I did find some more, don't forget it is 15 inch minimum. The regs do state that jack salmon are sexualy mature, I think it was page 11. I emailed both OFW and WDFW to hopefully get an answer and will call both if no one else does and posts the info before I do.
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