Salmon and corkies?

Troutier Bassier

Active member
How do I fish for Chinook and Coho with Corkies?
What size and Color do I use?
And How many?
What size Hook to?

Thats all.
Thanks in Advance.
Soo many options..soo little time.

Soo many options..soo little time. are just going to have to feel out the situation...a lot of the steelies colors, sometimes small, sometimes large..just all depends.
I've never gone larger than a size 12 Corkie for either Salmon or Steel. If I feel I need more profile or bouyance I will just double up.Hook size for Salmon usually a # 1-1/0. Again all personal choice...if you are more comfortable tossin a size 10 or 8 with a 3/0 or 4/0 hook go nuts brother. If you feel confident with the gear you are fishing and your landing fish nothing else really matters.

I'm a big believer that many folks throw gear that is much too large for whatever species they are targeting. The only time I will use something that is very very large profiled is when the water is at our just below action stage(almost blown out) and really off color.
I love that flash Glo Bug yarn!. Combine that with some anise/krill or Salmon Egg Scent and I'm good to go.

If I'm drifting bait I will occasionally run a corkie with it but usually a cheater as it floats better.
Here was my Rig for Today. Corkie rig.

1oz, Swivel, Leader, Big corkie, lil corkie, lil corkie, yarn, hook.

Once I added the Yarn I got a fish.
Dose it Matter?
I used Slinkys Too. But I only had 4 And there was this One spot where I would hook a fish and It would Sprint into a Bunch of Logs and Break me Off. So I lost my 2. So I used a 1oz Eggsinker.
Salmon and corkies

Salmon and corkies

Last year on the sandy, my buddy and i used small pink and orange glow in the dark corkies with a little white yarn and we caught close to 15 coho in one day. I brought my head light and about every 10 cast's i would lighten it up for 10 seconds. Seemed to work pretty dang good
I have seen more people use egg weights in recent years, It kinda makes sense, the line goes through it so less resistance, you can feel the bite better, Maybe? Ill stick to pencil lead. As for corkies for coho small and orange, and for chinook a little bigger and metalic blue, or white.
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